Solo: [My Favourite Pilot!! And An Update]

To help me get back into the swing of things, and explain why I’ve been unable to post, I went back and visited something from our Solo Series.

I wanted to talk through what has been keeping me from making. Also thought it would be a good way to show off the kind of content I make for [Quest Markers] our Patreon exclusive podcast.

So in this week’s episode I talk through my recent run of bad health, explain one way to get back into creating, and I do all while playing My Favourite Pilot!!

Continue reading “Solo: [My Favourite Pilot!! And An Update]”

New Website

Welcome to our new website!

From now on, this will be the main place to get our content.
All the old stuff is here, and we have new things coming out for y’all soon.

We hope you like the new layout.
You might have noticed something else we’ve added to the page. A Store link. That’s right, Ray has published their first game. You can buy it by clicking the store link above, or clicking right here.

At the moment there is only one game on the store, so we’ve linked to that directly. We will have more games coming out over the next few months, so keep you ears and eyes open.