Interview: Solo But Not Alone 3

Solo But Not Alone is an amazing charity bundle that happens every years.
Game devs donate their Solo RPGs to benefit Jaspers Games Day, a charity fighting to improve mental health for young people. The bundle is packed full of RPGs you can play on your own, across a myriad of genres and themes. We were very fortunate to have a chat with the person that put it all together, Cat of Peach Garden Games.

If you’d like to get the bundle for yourself, you can find it on itch.
Continue reading “Interview: Solo But Not Alone 3”

Make Our Own Heaven Interview

That’s right! I’m this episodes guest!
I’m appearing on my own show to talk about my new game Make Our Own Heaven. A biopunk angel RPG about Community Building, Found Family, and Meaningful Resistance.

Hosting this episode is Sam, a pervious guest and game maker. You can find Sam’s work here:

Make Our Own Heaven comes out on Friday the 17th of December (17/12/21.)
It’s my first fully published feature length game.
When it goes live, you’ll be able to find it here Continue reading “Make Our Own Heaven Interview”

Shanty Hunters Kickstarter Interview

Recently we had the pleasure of talking to Tristan Zimmerman about his new game Shanty Hunters. A game about trying to collect a record of the oral history stored in sea shanties before they disappear. An also the music sometimes comes alive!
One of my favourite parts of this game is that it wants you to sing. More singing RPGs please!

We also talked about the difficulty of sourcing period appropriate art, and the difficulties of show casing the true diversity of the time period it’s set in.

Shanty Hunters is currently Kickstarting, you can find the campaign here. 

Find more from Tristan at the following links. Continue reading “Shanty Hunters Kickstarter Interview”