Interview: Solo But Not Alone 3

Solo But Not Alone is an amazing charity bundle that happens every years.
Game devs donate their Solo RPGs to benefit Jaspers Games Day, a charity fighting to improve mental health for young people. The bundle is packed full of RPGs you can play on your own, across a myriad of genres and themes. We were very fortunate to have a chat with the person that put it all together, Cat of Peach Garden Games.

If you’d like to get the bundle for yourself, you can find it on itch.
Continue reading “Interview: Solo But Not Alone 3”

Solo: [LLDR Spaceship Hack]

It’s been a hard for me to work on the podcast the last few weeks. I’ve been struggling with organising content for months, and the current global crises just made me collapse inward.

But on Friday morning I woke up determined to record something, and after racking my brain a bit I realised that the game I wanted to play…hadn’t been written yet.

I spent friday morning writing an playtesting a hack of LLDR where you play as a spaceship. And I thought, I’d share that live playtest with you all.

Let us know what you thought, do you have any ideas for prompts?

Continue reading “Solo: [LLDR Spaceship Hack]”

Solo: [Slough]

This week I play another Ritual game. This time I’m a wizard trying to change themself into something new, in an attempt to overcome the past.
This is a lovely, poetic, and kind of cossy little game. It’s intimate and tender, yet also brooding and ominous.

It’s a game by Luke Jordan, and outstanding Australian creator who I’ve interviewed twice!
Luke’s having a sale on their game store right now, so buy this game or another over on their storeContinue reading “Solo: [Slough]”

Solo: [Tea With Demons]

After a short break in our schedule to do a family emergency, we return with another lovely Solo Actual Play.

A lovely ritual by Jamila, that asks us to make tea for a demon, ask them questions about what troubles us, and listen to what they have to say. Perfect way to analyze what is weighing heavy on one’s mind.

If you enjoyed this, get your own copy here.

Continue reading “Solo: [Tea With Demons]”

Solo: [Eternal Frame]

This week’s episode of solo is a super short one!

We’re playing a single person graffiti RPG.
It asks you to put yourself in the role of a pilot, likely about to die in battle, writing your final goodbye on the inside of your giant robots cockpit, like all those that came before you.

And you do this by writing poetry on a building.
Below is a photo of our wall poem, and a full copy of the game.
Play it, if you feel safe enough.

Continue reading “Solo: [Eternal Frame]”