Solo: [LLDR Spaceship Hack]

It’s been a hard for me to work on the podcast the last few weeks. I’ve been struggling with organising content for months, and the current global crises just made me collapse inward.

But on Friday morning I woke up determined to record something, and after racking my brain a bit I realised that the game I wanted to play…hadn’t been written yet.

I spent friday morning writing an playtesting a hack of LLDR where you play as a spaceship. And I thought, I’d share that live playtest with you all.

Let us know what you thought, do you have any ideas for prompts?

Continue reading “Solo: [LLDR Spaceship Hack]”

Solo: [Slough]

This week I play another Ritual game. This time I’m a wizard trying to change themself into something new, in an attempt to overcome the past.
This is a lovely, poetic, and kind of cossy little game. It’s intimate and tender, yet also brooding and ominous.

It’s a game by Luke Jordan, and outstanding Australian creator who I’ve interviewed twice!
Luke’s having a sale on their game store right now, so buy this game or another over on their storeContinue reading “Solo: [Slough]”

Solo: [Tea With Demons]

After a short break in our schedule to do a family emergency, we return with another lovely Solo Actual Play.

A lovely ritual by Jamila, that asks us to make tea for a demon, ask them questions about what troubles us, and listen to what they have to say. Perfect way to analyze what is weighing heavy on one’s mind.

If you enjoyed this, get your own copy here.

Continue reading “Solo: [Tea With Demons]”

Solo: [In The Ocean]

In The Ocean is a micro rpg with prompt cards that ask you to answer questions about the world, or play out scenes from your past.
In it you play as a mech pilot stranded on an ocean planet, watching the battle overhead. As you wait for rescue you remember your past.

It’s a pretty excellent game, and I hadn’t thought about it during the recording but it could be an excellent way to build the setting for a more expansive mech game.

Get your own copy of In The Ocean here.

Continue reading “Solo: [In The Ocean]”

Solo: [Recollection Gloaming]

CONTENT WARNING: Death, Injury, Fire, War.
(This game REALLY should be played before you listen to the AP, it is totally possible to have this game spoiled for you. Get it here.)

A wonderful, emotional, and atmospheric episode of Solo. Playing through this guided solo RP experience was my FAVOURITE part of this series so far. It pulls together several underused tools of storytelling that we don’t see nearly often enough in RPGs. Not at the mechanical level anyway.


Continue reading “Solo: [Recollection Gloaming]”

Solo: [My Favourite Pilot!!]

Content Warning: Death.
It’s August, it’s nonbinary TTRPG month, and we’ve got so much planned. 2 conventions, a Ray’s birthday, some collaborations with other nonbinary folks, and a new product release from Ray.

And to make it even more fantastic; we’re going to be bringing you 4 episode of our new series Solo. This series is all about exploring single player RPGs, and highlighting this innovative and avant garde area of RPG design.

This week we’re playing My Favourite Pilot!! A game by Sophie Mallinson that was made as part of the Emotional Mecha Game Jam. It’s a tight little game about how we respond to the loss of celebrities, and their impact on our growth.

If you like it, get yourself a copy hereContinue reading “Solo: [My Favourite Pilot!!]”

Solo: [Death Sentence]

Content Warning: Death, War.
Solo is a new series from us where Ray will be taking a closer look at single player RPGs. The first season of this new show will look at Solo RPGs from the Emotional Mecha Game Jam.

First up is Death Sentence, a game by Jeff Ellis. In it you play as a mech pilot, left behind after helping a colony ship safely escape this sector of space. The enemy approaches, and you have to decide what to do with your final moments…and compose your final words.

We hope you like this new series, and if you’ve got feedback we’d love to hear it.

Continue reading “Solo: [Death Sentence]”