After talking about it on [Quest Markers] I wanted to share the game of Dungeon Planet we played back when we launched our patreon. It is of particular merit because of the way we described our Space Adventure. Using descriptions that conjured images of earl sci-fi special effects. Continue reading “[Dungeon Planet] Cat Calls Of Venus”
[Live. Love. Die.]: RESE Mission 3
The final episode of our mini playtest with Alex and Ryan.
This week we telegraph hard that our desire to explore one of the death moves, and we do deliver.
Our pilots run their newly improved mechs through their paces. The ground crews engage in some bonding. And then everything burns.
Content Warning: this episode depicts the emotionally charged death of a player character. We all were pretty moved by it, so I wanted to warn y’all that it could get emotional.
Continue reading “[Live. Love. Die.]: RESE Mission 3”
[Live. Love. Die.]: RESE Mission 2
It’s time for the second session of our first Playtest of LLD.
This week we look at more of the moves, Go on a mission, and confront a powerful enemy. This session is closer in format to what we envision a typical game of LLD to look like.
Also; it has Banshees.
Content Warning: this episode includes a gruesome death, mass graves, and the grief caused by both.
Continue reading “[Live. Love. Die.]: RESE Mission 2”
[Live.Love.Die.]: RESE Mission 1
Alex and Ryan join Ray, for a mini-playtest campaign of Live.Love.Die. a new mecha romance RPG that Ray is writing. In this session we take a look at character creation, setting generation, and get into some combat.
We hope you all enjoy this 3 part series of Live.Love.Die.
First Look: Big Mother Frelling Crab Truckers
Back in August, to celebrate Raymonds birthday we played a game of this wild single page RPG.
2 anthropomorphic crab truckers are shipping a binary star from the east coast all the way to California. You better believe there will be hijinks along the way.
Continue reading “First Look: Big Mother Frelling Crab Truckers”
Adventure Base Raiding – a Base Raiders Campaign
In this campaign run by Raymond we explore the human nature, heroism, greed, and power through the lens of superpowered adventure.
Base Raiders is set in a world where all the heroes and villains have disappeared, but they have left their secret bases behind. Base raiders are the people that loot these places.
In our campaign our players are part of a international adventure race, where they break into, you guessed, abandoned super bases.Each adventure of this series is called a Heat, and each Heat has 2-4 parts/episodes. you can find all those episodes above in a nice big playlist, or in the ABR tag.
If you’d like to read our setting primmer you can find it here.
Below we also have some reflections on the campaign from the players.
Alex (Gregg): I’m so glad I got the opportunity to experience and explore the incredible and extraordinary world of Base Raiders. While I feel the system is designed to be a high-tech, abstract dungeon crawl, this campaign shied away from that. While there were definitely some amazing set piece moments (like the Nazi UFO rising up from underneath Paris), this campaign was really about three non-humans finding their humanity. I loved how Raymond gave every character a chance to shine and played upon everyone’s strengths and weaknesses at various times. Every character had a chance to grow, even my ridiculous sentient fart cloud.
Ryan (Amriel):First, there were the characters. We started off as an oddball bunch—a demon, a ghost possessing a robot, and a super intelligent cloud of nano-machines that smelled vaguely like a fart—and we just got weirder as the game progressed. Each of our characters had an arc that allowed us to explore their personalities and motivations.Beyond that, the evolution of the party relationship was fun to play out. With the volcanic explosion and the lost teammate in our backstory, not to mention our wildly divergent character concepts, we got off to something of a rocky start. By the end we’d developed a real rapport with each other as players, and our in-character banter and downtime role play became my favourite parts of the campaign. Heat 5, the section of the campaign where we went camping in the Hollow Earth, had me grinning as we played, even though we got very little accomplished aside from throwing a barbecue for the other competitors.
Finally, Raymond did a stellar job of weaving together all of our weirdness into a coherent story. From the huge cast of NPC competitors to the charming one-offs, he peopled the world with compelling characters who were fun to interact with. Even the Valkyr, who seemed to be the campaign’s heavies for most of the runs, were more than they appeared. In an imaginary space, you can never go over budget, and Raymond took full advantage of that as GM, taking us to various dangerous, odd and exotic locations across the globe (and on the moon). The locations, set pieces, and action sequences were all great.
Adventure Base Raiding was a blast to play, from the kick-ass fight on the side of the crashing flying saucer in Heat 3, to the fraught negotiation with the alien nebula in Heat 4. Every session had something new, exciting and interesting to offer.
Raymond(Game Master): I’m kinda touched by the wonderful things the boys have said. I wanted to take the opportunity to thank them for sticking with it and giving their best to the campaign. Make time for it every week and really focusing in on the play space.
Of course there was stuff I would have done differently if I could. it was still an excellent campaign, and I think; a great series.
Adventure Base Raiding – Heat 6: Moon Boot
The finale episode of ABR, it’s time to get inside the space ship and secure some loot!
Part 4 of adventure 6 in our Base Raiders campaign. This is a 4 part Adventure. You can find Part 1 here. If you want to read the primer for the campaign, here’s a link to that. You can find out more about Base Raiders here.
If you like what you heard, and you’d like to help us out; please share, comment, and subscribe.
If you’d like to listen to more of our content there’s over 150 episodes of our podcast here on wordpress, over on soundcloud, or iTunes.
You can find us on all the major social media sites; twitter, G+ community, facebook.
And if you’re feeling super generous; check out our Patreon.
Adventure Base Raiding – Heat 6: Moon Landing
In the final race of the series our teams are going all out, the ethereals have even set up an orbiting lunar space station to oversee their racing efforts! It’s time to see what awaits our teams on the far side of the moon.
Part 3 of adventure 6 in our Base Raiders campaign. This is a 4 part Adventure, you can find part 1 here! If you want to read the primer for the campaign, here’s a link to that. You can find out more about Base Raiders here.
If you like what you heard, and you’d like to help us out; please share, comment, and subscribe.
If you’d like to listen to more of our content there’s over 150 episodes of our podcast here on wordpress, over on soundcloud, or iTunes.
You can find us on all the major social media sites; twitter, G+ community, facebook.
And if you’re feeling super generous; check out our Patreon.
Adventure Base Raiding – Heat 6: Moon Shot
We shoot for the moon here at Raiderade! And we deliver.
This months finale takes place on the surface of the moon, with out base raiders seeking out something hidden in the shadows.
How have they prepared for this? what have they salvaged from the bases along the way! Will the Ethereals maintain their wining streak?
Tune in to find out.
Part 2 of adventure 6 in our Base Raiders campaign. This is a 4 part Adventure, you can find part 1 here! If you want to read the primer for the campaign, here’s a link to that. You can find out more about Base Raiders here.
If you like what you heard, and you’d like to help us out; please share, comment, and subscribe.
If you’d like to listen to more of our content there’s over 150 episodes of our podcast here on wordpress, over on soundcloud, or iTunes.
You can find us on all the major social media sites; twitter, G+ community, facebook.
And if you’re feeling super generous; check out our Patreon.
Adventure Base Raiding – Heat 6: Moon Gazing
Time to prep for the final moon race, fuel the flames of civil rights movement, and do anything to put off spending skill points.
Part 1 of adventure 6 in our Base Raiders campaign. This is a 4 part Adventure. If you want to read the primer for the campaign, here’s a link to that. You can find out more about Base Raiders here.
If you like what you heard, and you’d like to help us out; please share, comment, and subscribe.
If you’d like to listen to more of our content there’s over 150 episodes of our podcast here on wordpress, over on soundcloud, or iTunes.
You can find us on all the major social media sites; twitter, G+ community, facebook.
And if you’re feeling super generous; check out our Patreon.