the Crusading Couch episode 1

in our first episode of the crusading couch we ask the question; what’s a good starting RPG?
this podcast almost sounds professional so please have a listen. we talk about some interesting stuff and struggle to stay on topic.

if you like the podcast please follow us on WordPress or sound cloud.

farewell from the past, I’m Raymond.

Turning’s big bang: episode two – EBS

in the week following what the media is calling a terrorist attack; news crews have swarmed to Turning and are praising the swift response of it’s emergency services and strong community action of it’s residence.

but something isn’t quite right. none of the broadcasts are showing the super-powered individuals. phone lines and most telecommunications seem to be non-functioning, including the internet and mobile phones.

will our players solve this mystery, or do their priorities lay else where?

Eclipse Phase: when one door closes, another opens.

nebula prison
the silhouette of the station from “when one door closes…”

Our PC are one of Pathfinder corps first-in teams. They are sent through the martian pandora gate first whenever Pathfinder discovers worlds they think will be useful. They thought they were going to a barren rock. They thought they’d just be looking at old ruins. They thought they’d be alone. They thought wrong.

Eclipse Phase is a trans-humanist conspiracy horror RPG. The setting has uplift animals, rogue AI, good guy AI and, most interestingly, interchangeable bodies.

I hope you enjoy this AP. Farewell from the past, I’m Raymond.

Turning’s big bang: episode one – when particles collide.

this is the first episode of our first recorded game…i think. I’m pretty sure it’s our first game. it’s a super powered game using the wild talents rules. we’d only played wild talents once before this.

the game takes place in a fictional charter city in outback New South Wales. the city of Turning, created to encourage the development of new technologies as well as scientific advancement. it is largely controlled by the corporations that funded it’s construction.

in this game the players get their super powers for the first time.

farewell from the past, I’m Raymond.