[Monsterhearts]: Zero and One

This is the session Zero and session One of our short Monsterhearts game. The session zero includes discussions of what elements we want to look at, what themes we want to deal with, and what we want to avoid. We talk about racism, sexism, and violence. We discuss safety tools.

Session One begins on in a dorm room, in a boys only boarding school, on an island. And the actually recording starts at 1h and 50m.

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First Look: [Dragons Conquer America]

We were asked by Burning Games to play their new game about the colonisation of America by monsters who ride into war on dragons. It’s meant to be a game that deals with issues of exploitation and prejudice but honestly; I don’t think they take a hard enough stance.

We had fun playing the game, so I hope you enjoy listening to us fumble our way through temples, and jungles, and strange monsters. This was the first time we’d played a card resolution RPG on the show as well, so enjoy that. Continue reading “First Look: [Dragons Conquer America]”

First Look: [Angel Project]

Ellery, Caitlyn, Sofi, and Ray got together to playtest a bit of Angel Project.

Angel Project is an upcoming RPG from the folks behind Magical Fury (find more of their stuff here.) You play potential members of an elite fighting group. And through the course of play become armed with special armoured fighting suits. 
It takes some elements of the magical girl genre and blends in more sci-fi elements, military hardware. For us a key touch stone was Bubblegum Crisis.
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[The Deep Forest] Fae

CW: Violence, corporal punishment, kidnapping, colonialism.


We did a crossover of sorts recently. We had Lachlan from Fantasy Cartography on the show to play a little bit of The Deep Forest with us. It was a blast!
For those that are unaware, The Deep Forest is a collaborative map drawing game built off of The Quiet Year. It’s about communities reestablishing themselves in a postcolonial world. The hardships they face, and how they overcome them. Our game feature some violence, and a few absurd jokes; but we still played to the subject matter, so just be aware that it might be a bit emotional for some.
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