Eclipse Phase: Ships in the kNight.

This weekend we hosted an introduction to Eclipse Phase. We had the pleasure of two new players, one new to role-playing and Eclipse Phase, the other new to Eclipse Phase and [insert quest here]. Very exciting times!

This adventure featured deep space salvage operatives. on drift orbit from Extropia to Titan, where they came across a derelict military battleship. Time to board the ship and find some Earth relics!

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Farewell from the past, I’m Raymond.

eCOPse phase: Family Is More Than Blood

(The recording for this episode was 5 hours long, so we cut it into 2 parts.)
Ardent & Kurtis are troubled by their past together. The daughter of two soap opera stars has gone missing. The Crimson Tide is rising. All this and more! In this weeks eCOPse phase double feature actual play!

If you enjoyed this please share it with others, sharing is the best thing you can do to help grow the podcast!
If you’d like to listen to more of our content you can check us out on wordpress, or soundcloud. You can also get the latest news about up coming podcasts and projects by following us on twitter, or liking us on facebook.
If you have any feed back or requests, or even just want to say hello, feel free to leave a comment on any of our social media pages. You can also email us at

Farewell from the past, I’m Raymond.

Raymonds attempt at the July writing challenge!

At the beginning of every month we we issue a writing challenge to all our friends and fans.
This was the stimulus for this months challenge!

I had trouble deciding what to write this month, ultimately I decided to try something a little more experimental; some people said they had liked that last month. So I attempted to make a diary.

Excerpt from the diary of Bjorn Gorgonson, a patrolmen of the interior before the great unification.

Jovis, 19th of Capricornus, 809th year, Veserix epoch

My partner and i had our photo taken this morning, just outside Tyrsted. The winter is kind to these people. Deer roam close to town. The cold hasn’t burst the trees. Towns folk were weary, but welcoming. They had messengers station, that’s who took our photo. Bodil gave them a Omark to send a copy to back home to his wives.

we pushed passed the town and it’s surrounds by late afternoon. Trees are thinning out on the horizon. We had a large meal for lunch, so we’re going to push on into the night a little. make camp near the edge of the greenery. looks like gravel seas and bolder forests ahead.

Veneris, 20th of Capricornus, 809th year, Veserix epoch

Can’t be fucked writing today. slept shit. Bodil’s ill. our bison Groji is being a stubborn prick about the gravel.

Saturni, 21st of Capricornus, 809th year, Veserix epoch

sore. tired. angry at rocks. almost clear of the gravel field.

Solis, 22nd of Capricornus, 809th year, Veserix epoch

About mid way through the day we cleared the gravel field. That was the hardest walking I’ve done since I joined the Thorhost. found an oasis. the water is warm, green is lush around for a few metres. Told Bodil we’re taking a half day.

when I was a kid I always wondered how the Valkin had made the oasis’ I thought it some ancient magic. I imagined them descending from the heavens and slamming long forgotten weapons into the ground, forcing geothermal water to rise up through the red permafrost of the ancient ground. The truth is probably far less fantastical.

The breech bolt on my rifle is frozen shut. it’ll take a lot of work to get it moving. Thorhost has to start giving us winterized gear! If they can build blizzard striders, why can’t they make a fucking breech bolt that doesn’t freeze shut?

Bodil managed to catch a logi eel for dinner. should be nicer than the canned mystery meat ration.

Going to take another day here. let Groji munch on the river grass.

Lunae, 23rd of Capricornus, 809th year, Veserix epoch

we did sword drills this morning while Groji feasted. Bodil kicked my arse. left him here today while I scouted ahead. went northeast to check the ground. lots of snow and boulders, but more or less easy ground. we’ll be in Raglokoverg by the end of Capri easy. swear you can see the lights from here at night.

Martis 24th of Capricornus, 809th year, Veserix epoch

Sleet is coming down heavy. making this entry in the morning. just in case. heading out. shouldn’t have taken that day.

spotted some movement at sunset. looked like 12-17 Jörmun riders, probably out riders for the Austrohost. they didn’t spot us. I don’t think the lights I saw were from Raglokverg.

We were woken in the predawn by the rumbling of a great machine. I hopped it was land ship(though they don’t travel this far east), or maybe a Blizzard Strider. it was neither. something smaller than both, it walked on 4 legs, it had the rough shape of a cat, with adornments to match. it’s mouth was a massive fixed canon, city crusher. no other serious armaments, though we did spot some machine guns on it’s haunches. Didn’t match the descriptions of anything in the field guide. Colours were that of the Sphinxhost. They had a 7 half tracks with them, carrying supplies. as well as a complete company of Austrohost cavaliers. a strange alliance.

Bodil raised a point while we were hiding in the snow; how did this enemy force make it past the garrison at Raglokverg?

Mercurii, 25th of Capricornus, 809th year, Veserix epoch

Raglokverg marches with the enemy host. the entire garrison has abandoned their post. we are going to try and make our way back to Tyrsted before the soldiers get their.

Well I hope you enjoyed that. Please check out our other content here on wordpress, or our podcast files over on soundcloud. You can also get the latest news about up coming podcasts and projects by following us on twitter, or liking us on facebook.
If you have any feed back or requests, or even just want to say hello, feel free to leave a comment on any of our social media pages. You can also email us at

Farewell from the past, I’m Raymond.

The Crusading Couch episode 8: Would You Be Interested?

Slightly longer episode this month, but it is well worth it.

This months episode is all about game pitches. Wilfred, Kim, and Raymond each came up with 3 different campaign ideas(for a total of 9). We pitched them to each other; but we want to see what you guys think?
Do you have any suggestions for possible systems? Is their a game that you’d love us to play? which of these do you want to play? Would you run any of these ideas? Please leave us a comment with any feed back or questions you have!

Remember there is only a week left to complete this months writing challenge. You can learn more here.

If you’d like to listen to more of our content you can check us out on wordpress, or soundcloud. You can also get the latest news about up coming podcasts, and projects by following us on twitter, or liking us on facebook.
If you have any feed back, or requests, or even just want to say hello, feel free to leave a comment on any of our social media pages. You can also email us at

Farewell from the past, I’m Raymond.

Changing Breeds: Catch Up

Raymond recently ran a one shot of Changing Breeds: the New World of Darkness were-beast supplement. Most of the players were new to NWoD, and a couple had little role playing experience. All in all it was a really fun game, and an excellent recording.

In this scenario the players had to try and track down a missing friend. It was a standard investigation scenario that culminated in am epic battle. The person the PCs were searching for was a go between for the various shifters of Darwin. They had a meeting with him that he didn’t turn up for.

If you are new to World of Darkness we feel this is a pretty good look at how it plays.

If you’d like to hear more actual plays you can check us out on wordpress, or over at our soundcloud. You can also get the latest news about up coming podcasts, and projects we are working on by following us on twitter, or liking us on facebook. If you have any feed back, or requests, or even just want to say hello, feel free to leave a comment on any of our social media pages. You can also email us at

Don’t forget to share with other people, as it’s the way new people can discover us.
Farewell from the past, I’m Raymond.

eCOPse phase: Tiny Town Troubles!

In the second installment of our eCOPse phase series of actual plays our Martian rangers begin to see greater plots moving ahead of them.

In a small terraforming community at the edge of civilisation a young Sufi nomad is being accused of murder!
It should be an easy case to solve, but is there more going on here?
Kurtis (265balbis77) is having troubles at home, his wife wants a baby; Kurtis is unsure.

Can Kurtis avoid a fight with his wife? Is the Sufi kid guilty? What’s going on in this sleepy little town?
Find out in this episode of eCOPse phase.

In case you missed the last episode, you can find it here.
If you liked this podcast please SHARE it with others. Sharing our content is the best way to help us out, as it helps new listeners discover our actual plays.
If you have any feed back, or questions you’d like to share with us; don’t hesitate to leave a comment!

Farewell from the past, I’m Raymond.

Raymonds attempt at the May writing challenge!

At the beginning of every month we we issue a writing challenge to all our friends and fans.
this was the stimulus for this months challenge!
this month I tried to write something that wasn’t just a vehicle for my love of violence. It was a joy to write, and you can read it below. if you’d like to share your own attempts at the challenge, feel free to post a link in our comment section. Or if you want you can email them to us at
Farewell from the past, I’m Raymond.

the Gardner’s trip to market

in a sea of sea of hills, thick with a mossy red grass, loomed a towering, sparse, great rock. it curled in on itself like a crashing wave, and had managed to resist the encroaching crimson that covered the surrounding hills. nestled in the pipeline of the stone wave sat a small cottage; the shape of an octagonal egg. the odd little home seemed to be made of a mixture of plastic panels and wooden supports. around its outsides grew bushes of flowers, and shrubs of herbs, all in their own pots and planter boxes, irregular shapes and sizes. the plants were all bursting with colour, which seemed to be all they had in common with each other. some looked like they belonged in shallow tropical water, while others had leaves and stems of crystal and metal.
tending to the alien plants was a golden skinned young man with black wire hair. his under clothes were scratched chrome armour plates attached without bindings to smoke grey cloth. Over this hung a heavy brown hooded cloak, rated with burn holes, and tears. His gold flesh bounced the bright green light of the sun around his yard. his was more worn than it should be for a man of his age, wear you’d see on someone fresh from a 32 hour work shift, or a week of nightmare sleep. his eyes glowed a soft dark red as he bent over a s planter. it was full plants with scaled snake like trunks at seemed to sway and pulse as he came close. he held out his hand near a bulb on the the end of one’s stalk, it flared with silver shimmering thread that caught his gilded skin drawing out a purple blood from his knuckle. he flinched back shaking his hand before exclaiming in a soft voice.

“I think you might be ill little friends.” He glanced out towards the horizon, where the green sun of this world hung a hand and a half above the hills. “Might have enough time to pop to the market before bedtime.” he sucked on his finger before dashing inside his home.

inside the walls were more smooth than the geometric outside, though very cluttered. the floor was a mosaic of warm glowing tiles, and in the centre sunk into the floor was a bath of blue milky liquid serving as a bed. hanging from the the apex of the egg was nest of pulsing LED lights, constantly shifting through soft cool colours, with the occasional flash of red. the white walls were littered with multitude of masks, no two the same; with only one ancient looking brass wardrobe to break up the collection.

The masks were of hundreds of different styles. some were quite plain while others were so intricate and complex they must have cost a small fortune. there were masks the looked like alien creatures or monsters from nightmare. some looking like diving masks, or the faceplates from some kind of space suit. it one of those masks he picked from the wall. it cover his was mostly a rigid plate of orange rusted metal; but hanging from the cheeks were 2 clear vials filled with swirling blue dust. there were there eye holes, 2 in the regular place, and one above the nose; there wire covered by a silvered glass that obscured the wearer’s eyes from outside viewers. as he lifted the mask to his face an animated black rubber grew from the edges of the mask to engulf his head, hair and all.

he pulled the brown hood of his cloak up over his head so only the mask could be seen. he then reached for pouch that hung at the back of his armour uniform and plucked out a pair of old black leather gloves. he tugged the gloves over his hands as he padded towards the doorway. resting by the exit was a slender black wood staff. embedded in the swelled timber head of the staff was a rainbow of polished, glass spheres. when the gardner clutched the staff the orbs started to glow with an internal light. he took a deep breath, as did the staff then exhaled. as the air left his mouth the staff burst with light and the gardner and his staff disappeared from the red hills of Phow’klarsh.

A few moments he reappeared in a puff of random light and silver mist. His cloak was slick with moisture. He took a slow survey of the alley he stood in. the place was dry and cold. a city rose up around him to hang from the sky…the true sky could not be seen from this level of the city, unless you were at it’s edge. The Gardner sucked in the light from his staff to quiet its glow, before plucking a small pen like device. blue laser shot out from the end of the thing as he burnt symbols into the wall to mark his entrance. as he turned to leave the alley he saw similar markings on the opposite wall…had he used this alley before? probably.

He walked with purpose, stepping on to the busy street, clogged with humans and grime covered machines; both groups fixated on their own tasks and lives. The Gardner quickly stole a glance at the at the mega structure that hung in the sky. one city literally resting on the shoulders of another. He’d only seen a handful of examples. most of the people in this city lived in the apartments in the sky, while the ground floor was mostly industry and markets. a spider legged robot rushed past the gardner almost knocking him over. he wondered where it was going? was it looking for groceries like himself? perhaps it need parts or repairs? maybe it had a hot date to get to? He smiled under his mask as he moved towards the rich scent of food.

sadly his destination was just outside the boundary of the food market. It was a pristine building of polished faux-stone, and steel. a neon sign hung outside in a language He still couldn’t read. a curtain of light marked the entrance. he step in and was greeted by an aroma of spice and medicine. a tall lanky human in a poncho of red heavy fabric stood watching him.

“Ahhhh! a Skreyen customer! not many of you come here!” the human exclaimed, excitedly. the Skreyen travelled the stars here. 3 eyed beings that could only breath human atmospheres when they diluted the air with a blue mist.

“perhaps i’m just posing as one” the gardner chuckled, he could breathe oxygen just fine. though the nitrogen content of this world’s air did scratch at his throat.

the shop keep paused before grinning and shaking a finger “classic Skreyen humour!” he jested. “what can i get for you traveller?”

the keeper puzzled at the wooden staff his new customer was holding. The gardener looked around the room before he was interrupted. “you know i think i’ve seen on of those before…what’s your name guest?”
the Gardner went back to his search before calling back. “Siorus.”
he paused before saying anymore. he wasn’t one for secrets, but he couldn’t reveal anything else about himself. he plucked up small jar of coffee grounds before looking back at the storeman.

“was this grown in a greenhouse or a field?” he asked the clerk. greenhouse would be ideal for his needs.

the clerk swiftly answered. “i wish i could say field so i could charge you more, but that is just greenhouse stock.” Siorus sighed with relief as he walked to the counter and placed the grounds on the counter.

“I have an alien plant that needs something similar to cold pressed coffee in order to solve it’s wilting problem. you have saved me human!” The gardner exclaimed pulling a credit disk from his pocket and handing it to the native in front of him.
“well i’m glad i could help you. wish i knew where i’d seen that staff before mastling Siorus.” remarked the clerk as he waved the disk through a credit gate. Mastling was an honorific used by Skreyen, usually used to refer to someone above you in class.

The Gardner strolled from the shop chipper that he found what he needed. he glanced towards his staff as a few dim lights flickered. “Shoot!” he exclaimed, as he realised it was almost sunset at home. He broke into a sprint, armoured boots clanging on the steel street underfoot as he rushed to his entrance. peeled round the corner into his alley, where two robed figures stood waiting for him.

they wore armour not unlike his own under their immaculate brown robes, in their hands were beautiful straight edged white staffs. the glass globes of light that adorned the staffs were arranged in symmetrical spiralling pattern. “Siorus, you are wanted for the illegal use of ‘verse skipping technology, the abandonment of you post, and…” they paused for a moment, their heavy stern voices still echoing faintly in the alley. “…and violation of inter-dimensional customs. surrender your staff and come with us!”

Siorus glared under his mask before holding his staff aloft and shouting. “you are my keep no longer!” he slammed his staff on the ground, vanishing in a violent burst of rainbow light.

The Crusading Couch episode 7: Travel!

This month we got our friend Xandra to come sit on the couch with us and discuss topics of travel!
We talked about some differences between travelling with someone verses alone, international travel compared to travel at home, we even talked about what makes us want to travel!

If you enjoyed this podcast and would like to hear more about our travels you can check out our road-trip travel-casts at the top of the page, by clicking here, or by clicking on the Travel tag below.

Please share this content with others as it’s really the best way for new listeners to discover the podcast!
You can also find us on a WHOLE bunch of different social media including: soundcloud, facebook, twitter, and of course right here on wordpress.

Farewell from the past, I’m Raymond.

Eclipse Phase one shot: Homesteading.

A first-in gatecrashing mission out of Pandora leads to a strange discovery.

A mishap with scheduling, and two new players, meant that this scenario ended up being a little more rushed. Still worth listening to, I had a lot of fun doing some character voices.

We’ll be running an online Eclipse Phase game later this month, you can find more info on our facebook page, or our twitter.

Farewell from the past, I’m Raymond.

King Arthur Pendragon – episode 2: dragon hunt

In this months edition of KAP the players go after a dragon that has been harrying Sir Guys serfs.

Sadly there was a malfunction with our voice recorder so the last 40 minutes of this recording are missing. I’ve included a recap at the end, and we’ve taken steps to prevent this in the future.

If you liked this recording, please check out the other podcasts on our other site. we’re always happy to hear feed and read comments from you guys as well.
Also, if you haven’t already; please like us on Facebook, or follow us on WordPress, SoundCloud, and Twitter. If you don’t use any of those social media sites, you can subscribe to our RSS feed by following this link and clicking subscribe now.

Farewell from the past, I’m Raymond.