After talking about it on [Quest Markers] I wanted to share the game of Dungeon Planet we played back when we launched our patreon. It is of particular merit because of the way we described our Space Adventure. Using descriptions that conjured images of earl sci-fi special effects. Continue reading “[Dungeon Planet] Cat Calls Of Venus”
First Look: [With Fire Thy Affections Hold A Wing]
[Content Warning: Extreme Physical Violence, Death, ]
Nika and Ray take a look at a romantic 2 person RPG about Dragons and Riders and the apocalypse.
It’s a lovely emotional game that also feeds into some cool power fantasy stuff. And has some nice tools for helping you build the mood and tone.
Join Liulfer and Iosulumryt as they overcome the violence of their world, discover their love for each other, and undo the apocalypse.

Continue reading “First Look: [With Fire Thy Affections Hold A Wing]”
[Live. Love. Die. Remember.] Gift
[Content Warning: Death]
This week Ray wanted to play LLDR again.
We fixed a few typos, and tried out playing a different number of scenes.
Thanks to Emily for giving Ray an excuse to play, we hope you enjoy this thoughtful and intimate game.
[Together Here At The End]: Winter
[Content Warning: Death]
The first of our series of APs from the Emotional Mecha Game Jam, and also our first AP of a game Fin wrote! It’s short, it’s edited and processed in an interesting way, it’s very intimate. We hope you enjoy our shortest Actual Play yet.
And if you’d like a copy of Together Here At The End; you can get it by following the link.
[Live. Love. Die.] Phoenix Academy 5
[Content Warning: Nuclear War, Sinking battleships, Death, Pleas for help.]
This week is our final episode of Phoenix Academy; and Agnatha is going to war. Our students are being shipped off to take part in a battle they don’t really understand, and will face a strange enemy.
We hope you enjoyed this series, stay tuned for more Live. Love. Die. in the future.
[Live. Love. Die. Remember.] Machine War
Content Warning: Death, Slavery, War Crimes, Knife Wounds, and Vulnerability.
Something special and intimate. Ray played through a demo of their new game. Solo. It was quite raw and emotional and some of the best podcasting we’ve done to be honest.
A great way to see how LLDR plays; Ray explains why the mechanics are what they are. Leading the listener through a guided experience of Mecha Tragedy.
[Live. Love. Die.] Phoenix Academy 4
[content warning: this episode contains fascistĀ language and speeches, and Extreme Physical Violence.]
This week our pilots and mechs have to attend a state funded ball. What will they wear? Who will they take as their dates? What trouble will they get into? Find out!
[Live. Love. Die.] Phoenix Academy 3
[content warning: this episode involves some ableistĀ language, it’s minor but it is in there]
This week we’re back with more Mecha Drama!
Our team finishes up their planning and takes the fight to the Le Beau’s; but can they overcome these Enhanced Pilots? Will Ramona’s feelings for Sasa compromise the mission? Let’s find out together.
[Oracle]: Speakers Of The Sky
Our Traveller this week has no memories of who they are. The only clues to their past is a gift for poetry, visions of the unseen, and stars etched in their skin. They seek to know their place in this world, to know if their visions are real. The Oracle can help them choose a path, but will they find what they seek?
A partner of mine, Rae was visiting this week for the first time. We decided to play my favourite RPG of 2018, Oracle by the wonderful Ash McAllan.
[Live. Love. Die.] Phoenix Academy 2
This session our pilots get a secret mission from Garcia and do their best to learn about their enemy. And what a better way to do that than to throw a party in their house?
We also tested the Interlude Mechanics a bunch in this episode, and I think we made some good progress.