Solo: [LLDR Spaceship Hack]

It’s been a hard for me to work on the podcast the last few weeks. I’ve been struggling with organising content for months, and the current global crises just made me collapse inward.

But on Friday morning I woke up determined to record something, and after racking my brain a bit I realised that the game I wanted to play…hadn’t been written yet.

I spent friday morning writing an playtesting a hack of LLDR where you play as a spaceship. And I thought, I’d share that live playtest with you all.

Let us know what you thought, do you have any ideas for prompts?

Continue reading “Solo: [LLDR Spaceship Hack]”

[Live. Love. Die.] Phoenix Academy 1

On this episode our pilot try to grow closer, some try patching their wounds, and other try to gain a lasting advantage. All before a high speed battle against a teacher they’ve never faced before. How will they fair?

We tested out the new interlude mechanic this session too, which is how you play the time between missions.

(apologise for the loud fan, it was very hot. We changed up it’s position after the first hour so it was less distracting.)

Continue reading “[Live. Love. Die.] Phoenix Academy 1”

[Live. Love. Die.] Phoenix Academy 0

EDITOR’S NOTE: This series ended up touching a lot on Fascism and Authoritarianism, and while attempts were made not to make it representative of particular historical or cultural events…I feel like we failed in that regard. I would not have told this story, this way, if I was making it now. It is important to acknowledge our failure. I could have done better.

Session Zero of our latest campaign playtest of Live. Love. Die.
This is a playtest campaign so some stuff is going to be a little rough, and might change during play.

This campaign features 3 university students, studying at the top Agnatan Military school. they are training to be Ace Mecha Pilots, the best of the best. Each one an exemplar of what can be achieved in the service.

I hope you enjoy our session zero, where we build our pilots, and our world. We also do a quick mission at the end too. Continue reading “[Live. Love. Die.] Phoenix Academy 0”