Our upcoming patreon launch

We thought it would be a good idea to share with you all some information about our Patreon launch.

First of all; if you haven’t heard about this yet, don’t feel bad. We only finalised it last month, and we haven’t posted about it here yet. You might have heard us mention it during some recording though, and if you follow us on Twitter.
We’ll be launching our Patreon on November 17th, 2016.
To celebrate we’ll be hosting a 12 hour live stream; full of special guests, gaming banter, and some role playing. That will go from 8am to 8pm AEDT. You can find some more info here.

Continue reading “Our upcoming patreon launch”

The Crusading Couch episode 4: story organisation.

This week, in lieu of an Arcanum Quest episode, we have this months Crusading Couch episode. In this podcast we discuss the importance of planning and organising your story. We also have a guest on, our friend Caitlyn. She’s been involved with role playing for a while and we thought she’d offer some interesting insight.

We hope you enjoy this episode of The Crusading Couch. If you did, please share it with your friends.

Farewell from the past, I’m Raymond.