News and promotion.

The next episode of The Crusading Couch is going to deal with letting go of characters and campaigns. We’ll be looking at ways of coping with character death, the right moment to end a story (be it a characters, or a campaigns), and a bunch of alternative ways of approaching these topics.

If there is anything you think we should talk about in this topic, please leave us a comment or drop us an email. Hell, if there is anything you’d like to share with us; please drop us a line. You can find our contact info on our about page.

We are just getting started here at [IQH] and we’d love to keep on doing it for years to come. Part of what will make that possible is sharing links to our site, passing around our posts, and helping people find our content. WITH THAT IN MIND: when we get to 100 likes on our Facebook page (or 100 subscribers on WordPress, which ever comes first) Raymond will run a one shot game where you, the Listeners, choose the setting/theme. You want robot alien noir, set in a post World War II Germany; baby, we will make that happen. So PLEASE like, comment, and most importantly SHARE our post.

Farewell from the past, I’m Raymond.

Turning’s Big Bang episode 10: best-laid plans of mice and men often go astray

The final episode of Turnings Big Bang Season 1. Big action and big drama in this episode as the players fight for the future of Turning and conduits.
I hope you all enjoyed this, I know we did. I look forward to revisiting Turning later this year hopefully.

Next Monday we’ll have the first episode of Arcanum Quest up.
This coming weekend we are also recording a new episode of The Crusading Couch and an Eclipse Phase game.

Please share this around, like and comment on our posts (I’d love to hear from you).
Farewell from the past, I’m Raymond.

3 boys in a barina Xmas special! AND NEWS!

the barina boys went away last weekend to visit a friend. we made a little recording to celebrate the occasion.

sorry for the irregularity to posting lately. first i was sick, then i was away, then it was the horrible time of year where family invades your household. but we should be a little more regular after new years.

turnings big bang goes up on Mondays.
Kim’s arcanum quest games are going to start going up on Thursdays.
one shots will go up on weekends.