Solo: [Eternal Frame]

This week’s episode of solo is a super short one!

We’re playing a single person graffiti RPG.
It asks you to put yourself in the role of a pilot, likely about to die in battle, writing your final goodbye on the inside of your giant robots cockpit, like all those that came before you.

And you do this by writing poetry on a building.
Below is a photo of our wall poem, and a full copy of the game.
Play it, if you feel safe enough.

Continue reading “Solo: [Eternal Frame]”

Solo: [Recollection Gloaming]

CONTENT WARNING: Death, Injury, Fire, War.
(This game REALLY should be played before you listen to the AP, it is totally possible to have this game spoiled for you. Get it here.)

A wonderful, emotional, and atmospheric episode of Solo. Playing through this guided solo RP experience was my FAVOURITE part of this series so far. It pulls together several underused tools of storytelling that we don’t see nearly often enough in RPGs. Not at the mechanical level anyway.


Continue reading “Solo: [Recollection Gloaming]”