Solo: [LLDR Spaceship Hack]

It’s been a hard for me to work on the podcast the last few weeks. I’ve been struggling with organising content for months, and the current global crises just made me collapse inward.

But on Friday morning I woke up determined to record something, and after racking my brain a bit I realised that the game I wanted to play…hadn’t been written yet.

I spent friday morning writing an playtesting a hack of LLDR where you play as a spaceship. And I thought, I’d share that live playtest with you all.

Let us know what you thought, do you have any ideas for prompts?

Continue reading “Solo: [LLDR Spaceship Hack]”

[Live. Love. Die. Remember]: Love’s Comet

CW: Fire, Storms, Earthquakes, Riots, Police Brutality, Death.
My friend Andrew and I played our first game together, and they graciously let me record it.

We played Live. Love. Die. Remember. together and explored a world where mechs are used to hold back the extreme weather events caused by anthropogenic climate change.

Get your own copy of LLDR by clicking here. Continue reading “[Live. Love. Die. Remember]: Love’s Comet”