3 Boys In A Barina: Go West!


Hey folks! It’s finally here!
We’re finally posting this years roadtrip. A magical journey of bonding, friendship, discovery, and petty arguments about swimming.

We’re going to be creating a virtual roadtrip with you guys by adding journal to the playlist every morning, and every evening for the next 8 days!
We’ll also be posting photos from the trip so be sure to check the gallery each day for new updated photos.
You can also see the photos on our Facebook.
If you want to listen to our first roadtrip, you can check it out here.

If you enjoyed this please share it with others, sharing is the best thing you can do to help grow the podcast!
If you’d like to listen to more of our content you can check us out on wordpress, or soundcloud.
You can also get the latest news about up coming podcasts and projects by following us on twitter, joining our new G+ community, or liking us on facebook.
If you have any feed back or requests, or even just want to say hello, feel free to leave a comment on any of our social media pages. You can also email us at insertquesthere@gmail.com.

Farewell from the past.

eCOPse Phase: Stake Out

Our rangers continue their investigation of the strange Triad dog smuggling endeavour.
All the while dealing with their own demons.

If you enjoyed this please share it with others, sharing is the best thing you can do to help grow the podcast!
If you’d like to listen to more of our content you can check us out on wordpress, or soundcloud.
You can also get the latest news about up coming podcasts and projects by following us on twitter, joining our new G+ community, or liking us on facebook.
If you have any feed back or requests, or even just want to say hello, feel free to leave a comment on any of our social media pages. You can also email us at insertquesthere@gmail.com.

Farewell from the past.

The Crusading Couch Episode 18: Challenges!

Wilfred, Raymond, and Kim discuss challenge in Role Playing and how to include it in your story telling.
We discuss the types of challenges you might employ, and when to use them.
How older challenge styles can be made fun and more involved.
How they can be used to tell the story of characters.
And bring to mind some things that you may not have thought of as challenges before.

If you enjoyed this please share it with others, sharing is the best thing you can do to help grow the podcast!
If you’d like to listen to more of our content you can check us out on wordpress, or soundcloud.
You can also get the latest news about up coming podcasts and projects by following us on twitter, joining our new G+ community, or liking us on facebook.
If you have any feed back or requests, or even just want to say hello, feel free to leave a comment on any of our social media pages. You can also email us at insertquesthere@gmail.com.

Farewell from the past.


Three Boys In A Barina 2: Boys Go West!

It’s the return of a special event. Bigger, better, and broker.

Over the next 10 8 days the hosts of the Crusading Couch, and the fine managers of [insert quest here] will be venturing into the Australian outback.

Wilfred, Kim, and Raymond will be driving, walking, riding, and swimming their way to Broken Hill the outback. Along the way we’ll be trying to complete a scavenger hunt, an Easter egg hunt, a wombat hunt, and probably some other kind of hunt as well. We’ll be making daily posts to our facebook page, and to twitter; and you can follow our journey there.

Now this unfortunately means there will be no new podcast on Monday(the 29th of March.) However, when we return we’ll have daily travel logs, and a massive haul of photos to share with you all.

We hope you’re all as keen as we are.
Farewell from the past; Raymond, Wilfred, and Kim.

The Crusading Couch Episode 17: What Does Your Gear Say About You?

This month on the Crusading Couch we discuss the intricate interplay between equipment and characters. From your character’s favourite weapon to the handyman’s tool that they can’t be without, we discuss the meaning of the gear that your character has, and what that says about how they behave.
We approached this topic from the perspective of the character in the heat of the moment, as well as the thought that you the player put into those choices; whether that was consciously or sub-conciously.

If you enjoyed this please share it with others, sharing is the best thing you can do to help grow the podcast!
If you’d like to listen to more of our content you can check us out on wordpress, or soundcloud.
You can also get the latest news about up coming podcasts and projects by following us on twitter, or liking us on facebook.
If you have any feed back or requests, or even just want to say hello, feel free to leave a comment on any of our social media pages. You can also email us at insertquesthere@gmail.com.

Farewell from the past.

The Crusading Couch Episode 16: Players And Pregens

This month on the Crusading Couch, we take a look at pregens. We talked about some of the different ways you can set them up, as well as what you can use them for, such as demonstrating a new mechanic or character build. This months recording is little bit shorter than normal, but we hope you enjoyed it anyway.

If you enjoyed this please share it with others, sharing is the best thing you can do to help grow the podcast!
If you’d like to listen to more of our content you can check us out on wordpress, or soundcloud.
You can also get the latest news about up coming podcasts and projects by following us on twitter, or liking us on facebook.
If you have any feed back or requests, or even just want to say hello, feel free to leave a comment on any of our social media pages. You can also email us at insertquesthere@gmail.com.

Farewell from the past.

The Crusading Couch Episode 15: Philosophy and Truth

This month on Crusading Couch we had our friend Dylan (from the Zodiac Hunt Campaign) on to talk with us about Philosophy and Truth. Dylan has a Bachelor of Arts majoring in Philosophy with Honours and provided some useful insight into subjective truths, as well as the Truth (with a capital T).

If you enjoyed this please share it with others, sharing is the best thing you can do to help grow the podcast!
If you’d like to listen to more of our content you can check us out on wordpress, or soundcloud.
You can also get the latest news about up coming podcasts and projects by following us on twitter, or liking us on facebook.
If you have any feed back or requests, or even just want to say hello, feel free to leave a comment on any of our social media pages. You can also email us at insertquesthere@gmail.com.

Farewell from the past.

The Crusading Couch Episode 14: What Is The Meaning Of Xmas?

This month Wilfred, Kim, and Raymond discuss their various Christmas experiences, histories, and feelings towards the season!
Discover why Kim doesn’t like Christmas carols, why Wilfred enjoys most aspects of the festive season, and hear Raymond’s thoughts on the capitalist bubble which Christmas has become.

CORRECTION from Raymond: I often get confused between J. Edgar Hoover (a famous head of the FBI) and Franklin D. Roosevelt. In this episode I think I might have fused them into one entity. FDR moved Thanksgiving in 1939.

If you enjoyed this please share it with others, sharing is the best thing you can do to help grow the podcast!
If you’d like to listen to more of our content you can check us out on wordpress, or soundcloud.
You can also get the latest news about up coming podcasts and projects by following us on twitter, or liking us on facebook.
If you have any feed back or requests, or even just want to say hello, feel free to leave a comment on any of our social media pages. You can also email us at insertquesthere@gmail.com.

Farewell from the past.

Cards Against Humanity 2: Electritc Boogaloo

Another recording of CAH from one of our games nights. Be fore-warned, absurdity, and dark humour await all who enter here!

If you enjoyed this please share it with others, sharing is the best thing you can do to help grow the podcast!
If you’d like to listen to more of our content you can check us out on wordpress, or soundcloud.
You can also get the latest news about up coming podcasts and projects by following us on twitter, or liking us on facebook.
If you have any feed back or requests, or even just want to say hello, feel free to leave a comment on any of our social media pages. You can also email us at insertquesthere@gmail.com.

Farewell from the past, I’m Raymond.

eCOPse Phase: Sorting Sheep From Goats

Hard crime is afoot in the TQZ, things get a little out of hand at a dinner party, and the boys are dumb founded by an animal attack in the latest episode of eCOPse Phase.

If you enjoyed this please share it with others, sharing is the best thing you can do to help grow the podcast!
If you’d like to listen to more of our content you can check us out on wordpress, or soundcloud.
You can also get the latest news about up coming podcasts and projects by following us on twitter, or liking us on facebook.
If you have any feed back or requests, or even just want to say hello, feel free to leave a comment on any of our social media pages. You can also email us at insertquesthere@gmail.com.

Farewell from the past, I’m Raymond.