Dream Anew Interview, withy Luke Jordan.

We talk to Luke about their new Utopian game, the need for hopeful fiction, and I finally find out what a Belonging Outside Belonging game is. All that and more in our final public episode of the year.

Get your own copy of Dream Anew here.

We’ll be back with more content in January, or subscribe to our patreon to get one more episode of Quest Markers before the end of the year.

Continue reading “Dream Anew Interview, withy Luke Jordan.”

Interview with Rae White

This week we have a special interview with my partner, and collaborator Rae.
We’ve been working on a poetry board game together. In it you write poems about the rooms of a house you imagine yourself to be exploring. There are prompts about the contents of the house to help you, and at the end you do a reading of your house poems.

It’s called Architype and we thought interviewing Rae would be a fun way to introduce it to you. Continue reading “Interview with Rae White”

Hard Wired Island Interview Part 2: Freyja

It’s time for part 2 of our 2 part interview series.

This week we’re talking to Freyja about her role in making Hard Wired Island. We talk with her about where she got started as a designer, and she’s tried to reinforce the themes of the game in its mechanics.

If you missed part 1 you can hear it here.

Hard Wired Island is up on Kickstarter right now, you can find more here. Continue reading “Hard Wired Island Interview Part 2: Freyja”

Hard Wired Island Interview Part 1: Ettin

We have a 2 part interview series to celebrate Ray’s continuing recovery.

This week we’re talking to Ettin about his role in making Hard Wired Island. Ettin talks us through some of the setting, it’s weirder parts, and almost goes on a rant about AI.

Next week we’ll be talking to Freyja about her role, the mechanics of the game, and how she got into game design.

Hard Wired Island is up on Kickstarter right now, you can find more here.

Listen to part 2 by clicking here.

Continue reading “Hard Wired Island Interview Part 1: Ettin”