Verdant Mountains Episode 11: We Planned To Plan

What the fuck is going on in lake town?
Everything is falling to shit, and it’s starting to look intentinal.
Someone has been corrupting the community in secret, and our band of dissidents are going to find out who…or die trying! Probably die trying.

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Farewell from the past.

Verdant Mountains Episode 10: Broken Leg


The shit hit the fan and someone’s walked into an ambush. Not to mention a dozen other things that are falling apart around our PC’s. Someone’s trying to destroy the Lake people by driving a wedge between them. Can our protagonists hold this community together? Probably not.

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Farewell from the past.

Christmas Darkest Dungeon World

I hope this letter finds you in good health, as you will need your strength for the task that follows.
You do not know me, but I have watched you for sometime.
My agricultural endeavours have left me with great wealth and influence, but little time for familial pursuits.
As my life draws to a close I find myself questing for an heir.
You are all in various unsavoury ways my only living blood relations.
Make haste to the province of New Olarand where you will find my home; the Hesselzez estate.
Be warned! Evil forces have beset my lands and you may have to deal with them to reach me. Please, do your best to arrive before Osirmas; I may not last out the summer.

Last Christmas we ran a game of Dungeon World, partly inspired by Darkest Dungeon! Here is the fantastic Result. Without further posturing, enjoy this Xmas in July episode!

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Farewell from the past.

Verdant Mountains Episode 9: Break A Leg

Our trio of weirdos are meeting up at one of Saffrons plays, they need to set each other straight. Their various plans are spiralling out of control; it’s getting hard to track who’s siding with who!

Will they come together again or fall apart at the seams?

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Farewell from the past.

Verdant Mountains Episode 8: Slurry

Everyone waits to see what Ozair will do next, especially now that they’ve got an injured woman in their workshop. Ayazama has started an affair with one of the Cons, and Saffron is out of their depth with spy schemes and political manoeuvring.

All of them are fighting for their own ways of life, although their methods are sometimes VERY different.

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Farewell from the past.

Eclipse Phase: Ships In The Knight-Redux

We’ve been running Ships In The Knight a lot of late, it’s kind of become our intro to Eclipse Phase game.
This is a bit different to the original game we ran (seen here), which is why I wanted to post it. At the time of recording I’d already run this scenario 3 times before.

New players Ellery, Tim, and Ben join us for this one! A nail biting ride through an aging ghost ship.

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Farewell from the past.


Verdant Mountains Episode 7: The Clock Ticks

This week we explore Love Letters, a mechanic for dealing with the passage of time both in game and IRL.
The trio have been laying low, doing their own thing. But now their chaotic lives are about to return to their strange equilibrium.
Costuming mishaps, disloyal followers, annoying teens, and the watchful gaze of authoritarian overlords; all contribute to upsetting their lives.

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Farewell from the past.

Verdant Mountains Episode 6: Conspiracy


This week Ozair and Saffron try to get back to the dam without being eaten by the Verdant. All the while the Ayazama is floundering around the dam at night, trying to keep everyone calm.

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Farewell from the past.

Verdant Mountains Episode 5: Crazy Town

In the light of stressful community relations the Cons are holding something of a beach party thanks to the Canteens suggestion. But perhaps not everything is as it seems?

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Farewell from the past.

Verdant Mountains Episode 4: Into The Green

Our Player Characters wade into deeper water (so to speak) this week.
Ozair and Ayazama seek out a mysterious ruin hidden deep in the verdant, all the while Saffron is trying to sort out his botched assassination, as well as trying to manipulate local politics.

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Farewell from the past.