Turning’s big bang episode nine – a recipe for disaster

in this episode of TBB the players make their final plans and preparations. they solidify alliances, and pick their targets. there is a scripted news event. the universe is also starting to unravel,but don’t worry about that too much; the time for that will come later.

i hope you enjoyed this, our second last episode of turnings big bang season 1. if you like our podcast please share it with others.

farewell from the past, I’m Raymond.

Turning’s big bang episode eight – an eye for an eye

for the life of me i can’t recall why this episode is called an eye for an eye; but it’s good none the less.

sofi wasn’t able to make it to this game, however bec and liam still manage to have fun anyway. a lot of the meat of this episode was in the players hands, i through a few things at them but mostly i was following their lead. there is a whole truckload of crazy stuff in this episode, but i don’t want to spoil it for you.

only 2 episodes left in this season of Turning’s Big Bang. if you’ve been enjoying it please share it around.

farewell from the past, I’m Raymond.

3 boys in a barina Xmas special! AND NEWS!

the barina boys went away last weekend to visit a friend. we made a little recording to celebrate the occasion.

sorry for the irregularity to posting lately. first i was sick, then i was away, then it was the horrible time of year where family invades your household. but we should be a little more regular after new years.

turnings big bang goes up on Mondays.
Kim’s arcanum quest games are going to start going up on Thursdays.
one shots will go up on weekends.

Turning’s big bang episode seven – Point of no return

the PC’s allies have come to them with 3 targets of strategic importance to their cause. the players need to go after one target themselves and send allies to another, but which targets are more important? this is a pretty action packed episode. ALSO: i finally use Ben(Marinas child) for plot. weird plot.

i hope you all enjoy this episode. and if you did, please share it.

farewell from the past, I’m Raymond.

Turning’s big bang episode six – Si vis pacem, para bellum

this run our heroes begin the march to war, starting with recruitment! they have plans to through a party for superpower peoples of turning out in the desert. this couldn’t possibly go wrong.

if you like our actual plays please share them around. if you’d like to leave us a comment feel free to do so, we’d love to hear from you.

farewell from the past, i’m Raymond.

game mechanics and tone

[youtube https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=YQ44hVeVdEw&w=560&h=315]

the above is a video from extra credit that touches on some things kim and i have been talking about a lot lately. the idea that game systems are best suited to certain stories, and they also effect the tone of the game. something they don’t really bring up (because extra credit is more focused on video games, and game design in that industry) is the idea of informing your players of the kind of tone and game you are running, and how that actually helps you build that tone. it’s something i’d like to talk about on crusading couch in the future.

speaking of; the new episode should be up tonight.

Turning’s Big Bang: episode five – no rest for the wicked

last run the players evaded capture by the police. and sadly Vulcan was cut down by a sniper employed by the corporations.

after fleeing from the police jaz and marina stumbled across some super villains attempting to rob a bank and causing trouble in the shopping center. they stepped in to help and made an ally in the process.

in this run we introduce liams new character; Eidolon. the players set themselves some missions: Jaz tries to get some more cash. Eidolon attempts to cover his tracks. and the whole team learns more about the corporations plans for turning.

if you enjoyed this actual play please share it with your friends.
farewell from the past, i’m raymond.

Turning’s big bang: episode four – bullets and blacktop and bankheists OH MY!

at the end of the last episode our players escaped from corporate custody in an armoured car. now they need to evade recapture by the police. we also introduce some super villains. ALSO ALSO: one of the player characters comes face to face with their own mortality.

please share our recordings anyway you can, we’d love to have more listeners.

farewell from the past, I’m Raymond.

Eclipse Phase: better luck next time.

in this one shot eclipse phase game Kim, Vorn, and new player James, have to find out what happened to a missing Firewall sentinel. along the way they antagonist an Ultimate, piss off a scum swarm, and have to confront a group of Aztec cultist.

i was inspired to make this game after watching a few music videos that featured gifs and loops that would deteriate and become glitched as the song progressed.

if you like this Actual play please share it. Farewell from the past, I’m Raymond.

Turning’s big bang: episode three – balancing the books

in the last episode the players managed to find and begin renovating a secret base to suit their needs.

more importantly they investigated strange signals they heard on the radio. they ran afoul of some heavily armed security, and took the comatose man the security was guarding back to their secret base.

3 security guards are dead, 2 are seriously injured. who is this man? why did these security guards give their lives to protect him? what kind of attention will the players actions bring down on their characters? you’ll have to listen to find out.

farewell from the past, I’m Raymond.