Solo: [Tea With Demons]

After a short break in our schedule to do a family emergency, we return with another lovely Solo Actual Play.

A lovely ritual by Jamila, that asks us to make tea for a demon, ask them questions about what troubles us, and listen to what they have to say. Perfect way to analyze what is weighing heavy on one’s mind.

If you enjoyed this, get your own copy here.

Continue reading “Solo: [Tea With Demons]”

[The Deep Forest] Fae

CW: Violence, corporal punishment, kidnapping, colonialism.


We did a crossover of sorts recently. We had Lachlan from Fantasy Cartography on the show to play a little bit of The Deep Forest with us. It was a blast!
For those that are unaware, The Deep Forest is a collaborative map drawing game built off of The Quiet Year. It’s about communities reestablishing themselves in a postcolonial world. The hardships they face, and how they overcome them. Our game feature some violence, and a few absurd jokes; but we still played to the subject matter, so just be aware that it might be a bit emotional for some.
Continue reading “[The Deep Forest] Fae”

Guest Appearances

Every now and then we send Raymond off to play games with other Actual Play podcasts. So we thought we’d make a place for you to find all of those.

Actual Play one shots:
Delta Green with Technical Difficulties.
Laser & Feelings with RPX.
What Could Go Wrong? With the TechDiff crew.
World Wide Wrestling Tri-podcast event.
A War Story told with the folks at Rag-NERD-Rok.

Red Markets – 10K Lakes. This is a campaign that is hosted on multiple podcasts, but you can find the first session here and follow the links on through to each session.
If you just want the episodes Raymond has been in, well we’ve got that too.
Master of the Skies, Master of the Globe.
Spoil The Whole Bunch.

What about stuff that isn’t actual plays?
Raymond has been on 2 episodes on the comedy discussion podcast I’d Rather Not.  Bully Timeshare vs. Weird Work Picnic, and Doing Drugs with the Clowns vs. Drawing Fursonas in an Alley

Adventure Base Raiding – Heat 5: Hollow Earth, Hollow Hearts

Survival is under way. Can our teams hold out in this dangerous ancient jungle? What monsters await them there? What treasures are hidden within?

Part 2 of adventure 5 in our Base Raiders campaign. This is a 4 part Adventure. You can find part 1 here. If you want to read the primer for the campaign, here’s a link to that. You can find out more about Base Raiders here.

If you like what you heard, and you like to help us out; please share, comment, and subscribe.
If you’d like to listen to more of our content there’s over 150 episodes of our podcast here on wordpress, over on soundcloud, or iTunes.
You can find us on all the major social media sites; twitter,  G+ communityfacebook.
And if you’re feeling super generous; check out our Patreon.

Adventure Base Raiding- Heat 4: Hurrican Harriet Heroes

It’s going to be a wild ride this months raiderheads!
We’re off the coast of Hawaii on the DSV Raiders Revenge, the teams are tooling up, and modifying their rides before we drive head long into the storm!

It’s at this point that we’d like to remind you all that while our camera feeds use quantum envelopment transmission technology, our broadcast system use standard micro/radio waves. Should we loose signal, don’t panic the streams will be available after the race is concluded.

Part 2 of adventure 4 in our Base Raiders campaign. You can find Part 1 here. This is a 3 part Adventure. If you want to read the primer for the campaign, here’s a link to that. You can find out more about Base Raiders here.

If you like what you heard, and you like to help us out; please share, comment, and subscribe.
If you’d like to listen to more of our content there’s over 150 episodes of our podcast here on wordpress, over on soundcloud, or iTunes.
You can find us on all the major social media sites; twitter,  G+ communityfacebook.
And if you’re feeling super generous; check out our Patreon.