Make Our Own Heaven Interview

That’s right! I’m this episodes guest!
I’m appearing on my own show to talk about my new game Make Our Own Heaven. A biopunk angel RPG about Community Building, Found Family, and Meaningful Resistance.

Hosting this episode is Sam, a pervious guest and game maker. You can find Sam’s work here:

Make Our Own Heaven comes out on Friday the 17th of December (17/12/21.)
It’s my first fully published feature length game.
When it goes live, you’ll be able to find it here Continue reading “Make Our Own Heaven Interview”

Brinkwood Interview

It’s been a long, exhausting year. We’re all trying to survive Plagues, Ecological Collapse, and Capitalism. Sounds like a perfect time to talk about woodland bandits robbing vampires! It’s time to talk about Brinkwood!

This week, to get you all excited for their kickstarter, we’ve pulled this interview out of the depths of long distant January…it was a different time. I hope you enjoy listening to Erik tell us about this exciting Forged in the Dark game.

Coming to Kickstarter on the 15th of September 2020.

Follow Erik on twitter to hear more about the game.