Interview with Ashton McAllan

We had the pleasure recently of interviewing Ashton McAllan; an Australian game designer, live streamer, and general wonderful person.
We talked about her games, her history, and the communities she’s involved in. It was a very important interview for us cause Ashton is a person in the industry that Ray very much admires.

Please give it a listen, and tell us what you thought. Continue reading “Interview with Ashton McAllan”

Interview with DC, designer of Mutants in the Night

[CONTENT WARNING: There is a brief mention of the struggles of dealing with depression, anxiety, and suicidal thoughts in this episode.]

This week we interviewed an up and coming Game Designer from the States; DC.
DC is working on an adaptation of Blades In The Dark, called Mutants In The Night. It’s got some really interesting themes of community. And looks at many of the experiences of non dominant social groups; with a focus on African American, and Queer communities.

We also talked about DC’s game dev origin story, and the intersection of Martial Arts and Rap music. Continue reading “Interview with DC, designer of Mutants in the Night”

Hack The Planet, interview with Fraser Simons

We heard about an awesome game being made on Kickstarter recently, and we just had to talk to the designer.

Fraser Simons is the creator of Hack The Planet; a cyberpunk, climate fiction, Blades Hack. He took the time out of his morning to chat with us about his cool new project.
We’re very excited to see Hack The Planet get released, for whole bunch of reasons. Including, the fact that some Australian writers are contributing to it!
We hope that you enjoy the interview, and please check out the Kickstarter. Continue reading “Hack The Planet, interview with Fraser Simons”