Solo: [Stories To Tell]

CONTENT WARNING: Death, Injury, Lizards, Birds.
This was weird play experience. You ask questions of the other players…or in solo mode, you ask yourself? It was an interesting game, I liked it.

In particular, I think it’s a great idea for a game. This did come out of a game jam, so sometimes the product is just an expression of a raw idea and it is a fantastic idea.  I think the multiplayer version is where this game would shine. Solo play felt a little flat but I came to a rather interesting place by the end of it, and I think it’s a really neat game.

Continue reading “Solo: [Stories To Tell]”

Solo: [Recollection Gloaming]

CONTENT WARNING: Death, Injury, Fire, War.
(This game REALLY should be played before you listen to the AP, it is totally possible to have this game spoiled for you. Get it here.)

A wonderful, emotional, and atmospheric episode of Solo. Playing through this guided solo RP experience was my FAVOURITE part of this series so far. It pulls together several underused tools of storytelling that we don’t see nearly often enough in RPGs. Not at the mechanical level anyway.


Continue reading “Solo: [Recollection Gloaming]”

Interview with Ross Payton

Ross Payton is a podcast producer and freelance game writer. He’s worked on content for Eclipse Phase, Delta Green, Red Markets, and more. He’s the producer of Role Playing Public Radio and all their affiliated shows, as well as The Mixed Six!

Ross Payton is someone I’ve always wanted to interview and I’m so grateful I finally got to speak with him. And I’m excited to share it with you! Continue reading “Interview with Ross Payton”

Hard Wired Island Interview Part 2: Freyja

It’s time for part 2 of our 2 part interview series.

This week we’re talking to Freyja about her role in making Hard Wired Island. We talk with her about where she got started as a designer, and she’s tried to reinforce the themes of the game in its mechanics.

If you missed part 1 you can hear it here.

Hard Wired Island is up on Kickstarter right now, you can find more here. Continue reading “Hard Wired Island Interview Part 2: Freyja”

Hard Wired Island Interview Part 1: Ettin

We have a 2 part interview series to celebrate Ray’s continuing recovery.

This week we’re talking to Ettin about his role in making Hard Wired Island. Ettin talks us through some of the setting, it’s weirder parts, and almost goes on a rant about AI.

Next week we’ll be talking to Freyja about her role, the mechanics of the game, and how she got into game design.

Hard Wired Island is up on Kickstarter right now, you can find more here.

Listen to part 2 by clicking here.

Continue reading “Hard Wired Island Interview Part 1: Ettin”

Interview with Steve Dee

We’ve been quietly following a game called Relics since Ray first heard about it at GXAustralia in 2017. The fact that it’s about Angels was enough to get us interested, but it’s exploration of memory, power, and and strange events pulled us in deeper.

This week we talk to Steve Dee, the Australian game dev responsible for much of Relics. Ray and Steve also talked a little bit about the history of game design in Australia and how the scene has changed. As well as talking about zines and newsletters.

If you want a to help make Relics a reality, support it on Kickstarter.

Continue reading “Interview with Steve Dee”