Ecopse Phase: Ghoul Hunt

Gang war in the streets of Elysium! The Les Ghouls morph cartel seeks retribution for the Sun Yee On triad infringing on their business. A Les Ghouls assassin is taking out high profile Triad clients. Two Martian Rangers are on the case, but they aren’t the Rangers you know.

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Farewell from the past.


eCOPse Phase: Sorting Sheep From Goats

Hard crime is afoot in the TQZ, things get a little out of hand at a dinner party, and the boys are dumb founded by an animal attack in the latest episode of eCOPse Phase.

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If you’d like to listen to more of our content you can check us out on wordpress, or soundcloud.
You can also get the latest news about up coming podcasts and projects by following us on twitter, or liking us on facebook.
If you have any feed back or requests, or even just want to say hello, feel free to leave a comment on any of our social media pages. You can also email us at

Farewell from the past, I’m Raymond.

eCOPse phase: Family Is More Than Blood

(The recording for this episode was 5 hours long, so we cut it into 2 parts.)
Ardent & Kurtis are troubled by their past together. The daughter of two soap opera stars has gone missing. The Crimson Tide is rising. All this and more! In this weeks eCOPse phase double feature actual play!

If you enjoyed this please share it with others, sharing is the best thing you can do to help grow the podcast!
If you’d like to listen to more of our content you can check us out on wordpress, or soundcloud. You can also get the latest news about up coming podcasts and projects by following us on twitter, or liking us on facebook.
If you have any feed back or requests, or even just want to say hello, feel free to leave a comment on any of our social media pages. You can also email us at

Farewell from the past, I’m Raymond.

eCOPse phase: Tiny Town Troubles!

In the second installment of our eCOPse phase series of actual plays our Martian rangers begin to see greater plots moving ahead of them.

In a small terraforming community at the edge of civilisation a young Sufi nomad is being accused of murder!
It should be an easy case to solve, but is there more going on here?
Kurtis (265balbis77) is having troubles at home, his wife wants a baby; Kurtis is unsure.

Can Kurtis avoid a fight with his wife? Is the Sufi kid guilty? What’s going on in this sleepy little town?
Find out in this episode of eCOPse phase.

In case you missed the last episode, you can find it here.
If you liked this podcast please SHARE it with others. Sharing our content is the best way to help us out, as it helps new listeners discover our actual plays.
If you have any feed back, or questions you’d like to share with us; don’t hesitate to leave a comment!

Farewell from the past, I’m Raymond.

eCOPse phase: murder at Maddock’s station.

In this new mini campaign/series of one shots, Kim and Will play as Martian rangers, special law enforcement officers that patrol the Martian outback.
This started because we wanted to see how having only 2 players would effect the storytelling dynamic in role playing. Also, any excuse to run more Eclipse Phase.

In this, our first scenario, our rangers, 265balbis77 (Kim) and 265pentagon12 (Wilfred), are given an easy assignment after returning to the job following a leave of absence (for stress reasons). They are sent to provide a little extra security at the week-long founding day festival in Maddock’s station, an event that draws tourists from all over Mars and even offworld. Sadly things get a little complicated for our rangers when someone murders a visitor.

I hope you enjoy this Eclipse Phase game, we had fun playing it. Also, please like, comment, reblog, and especially share our podcasts.

Farewell from the past, I’m Raymond.