Interview with DC, designer of Mutants in the Night

[CONTENT WARNING: There is a brief mention of the struggles of dealing with depression, anxiety, and suicidal thoughts in this episode.]

This week we interviewed an up and coming Game Designer from the States; DC.
DC is working on an adaptation of Blades In The Dark, called Mutants In The Night. It’s got some really interesting themes of community. And looks at many of the experiences of non dominant social groups; with a focus on African American, and Queer communities.

We also talked about DC’s game dev origin story, and the intersection of Martial Arts and Rap music. Continue reading “Interview with DC, designer of Mutants in the Night”

Blades In The Dark: Arcus Episode 2

This week in Arcus we explore Driftdock, exploitation of racial minorities, and have a chat about Impetus. All while trying to get paid. A quick heads up that the last 10 minutes of this recording is pretty mechanics heavy.

If you would like to listen to the Quiet Year game we used to create our setting you can gain access to it on our patreon for $1. (we will release this for free after season one of Arcus is complete.)

Continue reading “Blades In The Dark: Arcus Episode 2”

[Blades In The Dark]: Arcus 02

This week in Arcus we explore Driftdock, exploitation of racial minorities, and have a chat about Impetus. All while trying to get paid. A quick heads up that the last 10 minutes of this recording is pretty mechanics heavy.

If you would like to listen to the Quiet Year game we used to create our setting you can gain access to it on our patreon for $1. (we will release this for free after season one of Arcus is complete.)

Continue reading “[Blades In The Dark]: Arcus 02”