Descent into Midnight Interview

This week we have a lovely conversation with Taylor LeBresh, one of the many people working on the upcoming RPG release Descent Into Midnight.

The game focuses on community, family, and hope.
Set in a technologically advanced aquatic civilization whose culture has never been touched by humanity.
Players take on the roles of guardians, defending their community from a physical, emotional, and even existential threats.

Taylor and I had a lovely long discussion about how the team itself was built around those themes, and how they are bringing the game to life.

You can find out more about Descent Into Midnight on Kickstarter or on Twitter.

Continue reading “Descent into Midnight Interview”

Interview with Ashton McAllan

We had the pleasure recently of interviewing Ashton McAllan; an Australian game designer, live streamer, and general wonderful person.
We talked about her games, her history, and the communities she’s involved in. It was a very important interview for us cause Ashton is a person in the industry that Ray very much admires.

Please give it a listen, and tell us what you thought. Continue reading “Interview with Ashton McAllan”

Interview with Josh&Liam of Stagwiz

This week we interviewed local event organisers and trivia hosts Josh&Liam from Stagwiz. They talked to us about how they built up a loyal community of fans, and give us insight into their game design and creative process.

If you’d like to listen to more of our content you can check us out on wordpress, or soundcloud.
You can also get the latest news about up coming podcasts and projects by following us on twitter, joining our new G+ community, or liking us on facebook.
If you have any feed back or requests, or even just want to say hello, feel free to leave a comment on any of our social media pages. You can also email us at

Farewell from the past.

Verdant Mountains Episode 13: Dam It All!

This is the end my friends. The final episode of our Verdant Mountains campaign is here.
The Mountaineers are at the gates! And somehow the Mers and Burners need to protect their communities from this existential threat!
Of course the heroes of this story are Ozair, Ayazama, Saffron, and Doom…so they’re probably fucked.

Keep an eye out for our playlist post coming later this week, so you can listen to the whole series in one place. You’ll also be able to see our reflections and thoughts on the campaign.

If you enjoyed this please share it with others, sharing is the best thing you can do to help grow the podcast!
If you’d like to listen to more of our content you can check us out on wordpress, or soundcloud.
You can also get the latest news about up coming podcasts and projects by following us on twitter, joining our new G+ community, or liking us on facebook.
If you have any feed back or requests, or even just want to say hello, feel free to leave a comment on any of our social media pages. You can also email us at

Farewell from the past.

Verdant Mountains Episode 1: Night Falls

The first episode of a our new online campaign of Apocalypse World!
This campaign takes place in an overgrown world. Powerful, wild plants choke the sprawl of lost cities, as people try to survive beneath the canopy.
Our game takes place in the Verdant Mountains, an area of the Reclaimed Earth that surrounds an old hydro dam.

In our first episode Ryan, Alex, and Brandon introduce us to their characters. We also define the relationships they have with each other, as well as the community at large.

If you enjoyed this please share it with others, sharing is the best thing you can do to help grow the podcast!
If you’d like to listen to more of our content you can check us out on wordpress, or soundcloud.
You can also get the latest news about up coming podcasts and projects by following us on twitter, joining our new G+ community, or liking us on facebook.
If you have any feed back or requests, or even just want to say hello, feel free to leave a comment on any of our social media pages. You can also email us at

Farewell from the past.