Make Our Own Heaven Interview

That’s right! I’m this episodes guest!
I’m appearing on my own show to talk about my new game Make Our Own Heaven. A biopunk angel RPG about Community Building, Found Family, and Meaningful Resistance.

Hosting this episode is Sam, a pervious guest and game maker. You can find Sam’s work here:

Make Our Own Heaven comes out on Friday the 17th of December (17/12/21.)
It’s my first fully published feature length game.
When it goes live, you’ll be able to find it here Continue reading “Make Our Own Heaven Interview”

First Look: [Dragons Conquer America]

We were asked by Burning Games to play their new game about the colonisation of America by monsters who ride into war on dragons. It’s meant to be a game that deals with issues of exploitation and prejudice but honestly; I don’t think they take a hard enough stance.

We had fun playing the game, so I hope you enjoy listening to us fumble our way through temples, and jungles, and strange monsters. This was the first time we’d played a card resolution RPG on the show as well, so enjoy that. Continue reading “First Look: [Dragons Conquer America]”

[The Deep Forest] Fae

CW: Violence, corporal punishment, kidnapping, colonialism.


We did a crossover of sorts recently. We had Lachlan from Fantasy Cartography on the show to play a little bit of The Deep Forest with us. It was a blast!
For those that are unaware, The Deep Forest is a collaborative map drawing game built off of The Quiet Year. It’s about communities reestablishing themselves in a postcolonial world. The hardships they face, and how they overcome them. Our game feature some violence, and a few absurd jokes; but we still played to the subject matter, so just be aware that it might be a bit emotional for some.
Continue reading “[The Deep Forest] Fae”