Make Our Own Heaven Interview

That’s right! I’m this episodes guest!
I’m appearing on my own show to talk about my new game Make Our Own Heaven. A biopunk angel RPG about Community Building, Found Family, and Meaningful Resistance.

Hosting this episode is Sam, a pervious guest and game maker. You can find Sam’s work here:

Make Our Own Heaven comes out on Friday the 17th of December (17/12/21.)
It’s my first fully published feature length game.
When it goes live, you’ll be able to find it here Continue reading “Make Our Own Heaven Interview”

Dream Anew Interview, withy Luke Jordan.

We talk to Luke about their new Utopian game, the need for hopeful fiction, and I finally find out what a Belonging Outside Belonging game is. All that and more in our final public episode of the year.

Get your own copy of Dream Anew here.

We’ll be back with more content in January, or subscribe to our patreon to get one more episode of Quest Markers before the end of the year.

Continue reading “Dream Anew Interview, withy Luke Jordan.”

Interview with Rae White

This week we have a special interview with my partner, and collaborator Rae.
We’ve been working on a poetry board game together. In it you write poems about the rooms of a house you imagine yourself to be exploring. There are prompts about the contents of the house to help you, and at the end you do a reading of your house poems.

It’s called Architype and we thought interviewing Rae would be a fun way to introduce it to you. Continue reading “Interview with Rae White”

Hard Wired Island Interview Part 1: Ettin

We have a 2 part interview series to celebrate Ray’s continuing recovery.

This week we’re talking to Ettin about his role in making Hard Wired Island. Ettin talks us through some of the setting, it’s weirder parts, and almost goes on a rant about AI.

Next week we’ll be talking to Freyja about her role, the mechanics of the game, and how she got into game design.

Hard Wired Island is up on Kickstarter right now, you can find more here.

Listen to part 2 by clicking here.

Continue reading “Hard Wired Island Interview Part 1: Ettin”

Interview with Steve Dee

We’ve been quietly following a game called Relics since Ray first heard about it at GXAustralia in 2017. The fact that it’s about Angels was enough to get us interested, but it’s exploration of memory, power, and and strange events pulled us in deeper.

This week we talk to Steve Dee, the Australian game dev responsible for much of Relics. Ray and Steve also talked a little bit about the history of game design in Australia and how the scene has changed. As well as talking about zines and newsletters.

If you want a to help make Relics a reality, support it on Kickstarter.

Continue reading “Interview with Steve Dee”

[Live. Love. Die. Remember.] Machine War

Content Warning: Death, Slavery, War Crimes, Knife Wounds, and Vulnerability.

Something special and intimate. Ray played through a demo of their new game. Solo. It was quite raw and emotional and some of the best podcasting we’ve done to be honest.

A great way to see how LLDR plays; Ray explains why the mechanics are what they are. Leading the listener through a guided experience of Mecha Tragedy.

Continue reading “[Live. Love. Die. Remember.] Machine War”