Atomic Robo: What In The World Is Dr. Dinosaur Doing?

Aaron ran another Atomic Robo one shot for the RPPR patreon backers. If you like to hear more from Role Playing Public Radio you can listen to their discussion based gaming theory podcast, or their actual play podcast by clicking on the links provided. You can also read the Atomic Robo comics on their website!
Anyway; here’s the plot hook.

The eccentric and unpredictable Dr. Dinosaur has long been a pain in the collective backside of the scientific community. For over two decades he has constantly makes threats to destroy scientific facilities (such as the LHC at CERN). Though largely ineffective (and usually a victim of his own insane plans or Tesladyne interference), the sanity-challenged sauropod has seemingly completed a series of fairly complicated heists in the last few months. These thefts have included bio-samples from a Harvard genetics lab, outdated industrial capacitors from a Edision Electrical junkyard and oddly enough an entire truckload of Cherry Coke from a Mid-Western bottling plant. Oddly enough, the Doctor has managed to slip in and complete his crimes almost completely undetected. The only evidence is security footage that seemingly is ignored until it is reviewed the next day. Unsure of what Dr. Dinosaur plans to do with these thefts but aware that it could spell disaster when utilized with his unique brand of ‘science’, the intrepid action scientists of Tesladyne have been dispatched to track down the mad lizard and stop his latest experiments.

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Farewell from the past, I’m Raymond.

Atomic Robo – Edison’s Array (Presented by RPPR)

This is another game online game that Role Playing Public Radio put on for its Patreon backers. Thank You to Aaron for GMing.

Anyway; here’s the set up.
It’s the mystery of the new century for the Fightin’ Scientists of Tesladyne! A thief (or team of thieves) is targeting the collected works of Thomas Edison, stealing documents and exhibited inventions from around the country. The only clue to the perpetrators is a broken robot, seemingly reversed-engineered from Edisons designs and a single tarot card stained with blood. Now the agents of Tesladyne must find out why Edisons tech is being stolen and re-created before it is used for more dastardly purposes!

If you enjoyed this please share it with others, sharing is the best thing you can do to help grow the podcast!
If you’d like to listen to more of our content you can check us out on wordpress, or soundcloud.
You can also get the latest news about up coming podcasts and projects by following us on twitter, or liking us on facebook.
If you have any feed back or requests, or even just want to say hello, feel free to leave a comment on any of our social media pages. You can also email us at

Farewell from the past, I’m Raymond.

Atomic Robo: Big Trouble in Akihabara – presented by RPPR

A couple of weeks back Raymond got to play his first game using the FATE rules. It was an online game of Atomic Robo run by RPPR, this time Aaron. RPPR are great podcasters; they do actual plays and a more traditional podcast/talk show type thing. You can fine them over here:
If you’d like to hear the whole recording, including the off topic stuff you can find it here:
But I STRONGLY recommend the edited down audio version.

We’re not big Atomic Robo fans here at [IQH] but it’s an interesting setting filled with super science.

This is the set up the players were given:
Biomega Alert in Chiyoda Ward! Creatures from another dimension are stalking the alleyways of the Akihabara district. Citizens and technology are disappearing left and right, leaving behind shaken bystanders and stories of monsters. In an attempt to stop this campaign of terror, the Japanese government calls on their secret weapon for handing super-science threats: The Science Team Super 5! However on their first encounter with these creatures, the Super 5 seem the vanish without a trace. Running out of options, Japans premiere research division, Big Science Inc, calls on Atomic Robo and the Fightin’ Scientists of Tesladyne to find the Super 5 and discover the secret of the shadow monsters. Will they be able to save Japan in time?

Loved this game, really liked the rules. in fact I have an idea for a FATE setting that I’ll be revealing on our Crusading Couch pitch episode in June. OH also, I (Raymond) both improvise and sing a song in this podcast.

If you liked this podcast please check out our other recordings, as well as RPPR’s.

Farewell from the past, I’m Raymond