The 3 Wise Warriors of the Apocalypse

A child is born, in a distant settlement. The Brainers say they are destined to be a great and powerful Hard Holder. You’ve all decided to make the pilgrimage and pledge yourself to this new Warlord of the future.
Raymond ran a game of Apocalypse World over Xmas to help us get in the spirit…kinda.
It’s at least in part inspired by the 3 Magi.
Thanks to our Patrons for making this possible. Patrons like Yoddel, who got to play in this game as part of their rewards.

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If you’d like to listen to more of our content there’s over 150 episodes of our podcast here on wordpress, over on soundcloud, or iTunes.
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And if you’re feeling super generous; check out our Patreon.

First Look: Blades In The Dark

We took a look at the new Fantasy Heist RPG of thievery and murder; Blades In The Dark.
We’ve got a little bit of character generation, because we thought you guys might be interested in seeing more of that. We also ran a daring assault on a mansion full of swordsmen.

If you like what you heard, and you like to help us out; please share, comment, and subscribe.
If you’d like to listen to more of our content there’s over 150 episodes of our podcast here on wordpress, over on soundcloud, or iTunes.
You can find us on all the major social media sites; twitter,  G+ communityfacebook.
And if you’re feeling super generous; check out our Patreon.

Magical Fury: chaos FLAME eden

A single father and his 2 children are struggling to stay a float, and things just keep getting worse. People are leaving, and work is drying up, ain’t no tourism to be had, and now all the birds in town have gone missing!
Something else is coming though, a big change is on the wind.

Tune in as we play Magical Fury, a game about magical anime girls.
you can pick up a copy of Magical Fury here.

If you like what you heard, and you like to help us out; please share, comment, and subscribe.
If you’d like to listen to more of our content there’s over 150 episodes of our podcast here on wordpress, over on soundcloud, or iTunes.
You can find us on all the major social media sites; twitter,  G+ communityfacebook.
And if you’re feeling super generous; check out our Patreon.

Farewell from the past.

Apocalypse World: The Verdant Mountains Campaign

Our 2nd Powered by the Apocalypse campaign, this one went way better; we even finished it!
Set in a world over run by wild malicious forests, where ruins of the old world are being choked out and eaten away by plants. Nestled in the mountains of the this world is the dam our protagonists call home. A community divided, politically and physically.
Our characters will have to navigate the political waters of this world to try an accomplish their various goals.

We hope you enjoy listening, if you like to see what we thought of the campaign you can read more after the break.

Continue reading “Apocalypse World: The Verdant Mountains Campaign”

Verdant Mountains Episode 13: Dam It All!

This is the end my friends. The final episode of our Verdant Mountains campaign is here.
The Mountaineers are at the gates! And somehow the Mers and Burners need to protect their communities from this existential threat!
Of course the heroes of this story are Ozair, Ayazama, Saffron, and Doom…so they’re probably fucked.

Keep an eye out for our playlist post coming later this week, so you can listen to the whole series in one place. You’ll also be able to see our reflections and thoughts on the campaign.

If you enjoyed this please share it with others, sharing is the best thing you can do to help grow the podcast!
If you’d like to listen to more of our content you can check us out on wordpress, or soundcloud.
You can also get the latest news about up coming podcasts and projects by following us on twitter, joining our new G+ community, or liking us on facebook.
If you have any feed back or requests, or even just want to say hello, feel free to leave a comment on any of our social media pages. You can also email us at

Farewell from the past.

Verdant Mountains Episode 12: Final Count Down

It’s time for the penultimate episode!
The Burners outrage over the murder of one of their own has brought them to Mers door step. The Cons are ill-equipped to deal with this and so our strange arse protagonists have stepped in to parlay.
Will they fix things, or will they just make it worse?

If you enjoyed this please share it with others, sharing is the best thing you can do to help grow the podcast!
If you’d like to listen to more of our content you can check us out on wordpress, or soundcloud.
You can also get the latest news about up coming podcasts and projects by following us on twitter, joining our new G+ community, or liking us on facebook.
If you have any feed back or requests, or even just want to say hello, feel free to leave a comment on any of our social media pages. You can also email us at

Farewell from the past.

Verdant Mountains Episode 11: We Planned To Plan

What the fuck is going on in lake town?
Everything is falling to shit, and it’s starting to look intentinal.
Someone has been corrupting the community in secret, and our band of dissidents are going to find out who…or die trying! Probably die trying.

If you enjoyed this please share it with others, sharing is the best thing you can do to help grow the podcast!
If you’d like to listen to more of our content you can check us out on wordpress, or soundcloud.
You can also get the latest news about up coming podcasts and projects by following us on twitter, joining our new G+ community, or liking us on facebook.
If you have any feed back or requests, or even just want to say hello, feel free to leave a comment on any of our social media pages. You can also email us at

Farewell from the past.

Verdant Mountains Episode 10: Broken Leg


The shit hit the fan and someone’s walked into an ambush. Not to mention a dozen other things that are falling apart around our PC’s. Someone’s trying to destroy the Lake people by driving a wedge between them. Can our protagonists hold this community together? Probably not.

If you enjoyed this please share it with others, sharing is the best thing you can do to help grow the podcast!
If you’d like to listen to more of our content you can check us out on wordpress, or soundcloud.
You can also get the latest news about up coming podcasts and projects by following us on twitter, joining our new G+ community, or liking us on facebook.
If you have any feed back or requests, or even just want to say hello, feel free to leave a comment on any of our social media pages. You can also email us at

Farewell from the past.

Christmas Darkest Dungeon World

I hope this letter finds you in good health, as you will need your strength for the task that follows.
You do not know me, but I have watched you for sometime.
My agricultural endeavours have left me with great wealth and influence, but little time for familial pursuits.
As my life draws to a close I find myself questing for an heir.
You are all in various unsavoury ways my only living blood relations.
Make haste to the province of New Olarand where you will find my home; the Hesselzez estate.
Be warned! Evil forces have beset my lands and you may have to deal with them to reach me. Please, do your best to arrive before Osirmas; I may not last out the summer.

Last Christmas we ran a game of Dungeon World, partly inspired by Darkest Dungeon! Here is the fantastic Result. Without further posturing, enjoy this Xmas in July episode!

If you enjoyed this please share it with others, sharing is the best thing you can do to help grow the podcast!
If you’d like to listen to more of our content you can check us out on wordpress, or soundcloud.
You can also get the latest news about up coming podcasts and projects by following us on twitter, joining our new G+ community, or liking us on facebook.
If you have any feed back or requests, or even just want to say hello, feel free to leave a comment on any of our social media pages. You can also email us at

Farewell from the past.

Verdant Mountains Episode 9: Break A Leg

Our trio of weirdos are meeting up at one of Saffrons plays, they need to set each other straight. Their various plans are spiralling out of control; it’s getting hard to track who’s siding with who!

Will they come together again or fall apart at the seams?

If you enjoyed this please share it with others, sharing is the best thing you can do to help grow the podcast!
If you’d like to listen to more of our content you can check us out on wordpress, or soundcloud.
You can also get the latest news about up coming podcasts and projects by following us on twitter, joining our new G+ community, or liking us on facebook.
If you have any feed back or requests, or even just want to say hello, feel free to leave a comment on any of our social media pages. You can also email us at

Farewell from the past.