Posted on 02/09/2019Solo: [Reclaimed] This week is a bonus episode of solo a RPG about a mech being rebooted after a long time alone. We’ll explore that loneliness, andand the new world our mech awakens in. If you want to play Reclaimed for yourself, you can buy it here. Continue reading “Solo: [Reclaimed]”
Posted on 25/03/201925/03/2019First Look: [With Fire Thy Affections Hold A Wing] [Content Warning: Extreme Physical Violence, Death, ] Nika and Ray take a look at a romantic 2 person RPG about Dragons and Riders and the apocalypse. It’s a lovely emotional game that also feeds into some cool power fantasy stuff. And has some nice tools for helping you build the mood and tone. Join Liulfer and Iosulumryt as they overcome the violence of their world, discover their love for each other, and undo the apocalypse. The collections of objects Nika and Ray used as their bonds. Continue reading “First Look: [With Fire Thy Affections Hold A Wing]”