[Live. Love. Die.]: RESE Mission 3

The final episode of our mini playtest with Alex and Ryan.

This week we telegraph hard that our desire to explore one of the death moves, and we do deliver.
Our pilots run their newly improved mechs through their paces. The ground crews engage in some bonding. And then everything burns.

Content Warning: this episode depicts the emotionally charged death of a player character. We all were pretty moved by it, so I wanted to warn y’all that it could get emotional.
Continue reading “[Live. Love. Die.]: RESE Mission 3”

First Look: [Angel Project]

Ellery, Caitlyn, Sofi, and Ray got together to playtest a bit of Angel Project.

Angel Project is an upcoming RPG from the folks behind Magical Fury (find more of their stuff here.) You play potential members of an elite fighting group. And through the course of play become armed with special armoured fighting suits. 
It takes some elements of the magical girl genre and blends in more sci-fi elements, military hardware. For us a key touch stone was Bubblegum Crisis.
Continue reading “First Look: [Angel Project]”

Magical Creator Girls: Art Lives

Our mystical young women continue their trip through the Triple City, encountering the echos of their predecessors.

If you’d like to find out more about Magical Fury, check it out on DriveThru RPG.
If you’re new here, and want to catch up on the rest of this series; you can find episode 1 here.

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Magical Creator Girls: Triple City Troubles


Our growing collection of heroes find their way to the Triple City, and make a powerful entrance.

 This is episode 4 of our Magical Fury miniseries. If you need to catch up, you can find episode 1 here.

If you like what you heard, and you’d like to help us out; please share, comment, and subscribe.
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And if you’re feeling super generous; check out our Patreon.

Magical Creator Girls: New Girls In Town

While fleeing from the forces of Queen Ares the girls take refugee in a small palisade down; hoping to find allies and friends.

If you’d like to find out more about Magical Fury, check it out on DriveThru RPG.

If you like what you heard, and you’d like to help us out; please share, comment, and subscribe.
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And if you’re feeling super generous; check out our Patreon.

Magical Creator Girls: Teach A Girl To Fish

Our 3 girls find themselves stranded in a strange world with hardly a friend to turn to. They have to find a way home…but first they need something to eat!

If you’d like to find out more about Magical Fury, check it out on DriveThru RPG.

If you like what you heard, and you’d like to help us out; please share, comment, and subscribe.
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And if you’re feeling super generous; check out our Patreon.