The Crusading Couch Episode 14: What Is The Meaning Of Xmas?

This month Wilfred, Kim, and Raymond discuss their various Christmas experiences, histories, and feelings towards the season!
Discover why Kim doesn’t like Christmas carols, why Wilfred enjoys most aspects of the festive season, and hear Raymond’s thoughts on the capitalist bubble which Christmas has become.

CORRECTION from Raymond: I often get confused between J. Edgar Hoover (a famous head of the FBI) and Franklin D. Roosevelt. In this episode I think I might have fused them into one entity. FDR moved Thanksgiving in 1939.

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If you’d like to listen to more of our content you can check us out on wordpress, or soundcloud.
You can also get the latest news about up coming podcasts and projects by following us on twitter, or liking us on facebook.
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Farewell from the past.

The Crusading Couch Episode 13: A Year In Review

One year of [insert quest here], and one year of The Crusading Couch; a birthday celebration to be shared by all!
Controversy, but also enlightenment, can be found within the annals of this here legacy.
To hear what we have to say about our first year of podcasting, and to celebrate this memorable occasion, we have prepared A Year in Review.
Looking forward to your comments regarding the 2014-2015 season, and your on going presence and support as we continue the saga that is… [insert quest here]!

If you enjoyed this please share it with others, sharing is the best thing you can do to help grow the podcast!
If you’d like to listen to more of our content you can check us out on wordpress, or soundcloud.
You can also get the latest news about up coming podcasts and projects by following us on twitter, or liking us on facebook.
If you have any feed back or requests, or even just want to say hello, feel free to leave a comment on any of our social media pages. You can also email us at

Farewell from the past, I’m Raymond.

The Crusading Couch Episode 12: Horror!

Considering that it’s October (and in October you build monuments to everything that is scary), we decided to do a podcast all about HORROR! |
We kicked things of by discussing horror across its many formats, then went into a how to improve your horror scenarios. There’s a great, short take-home message at the end, so have a listen.

If you’re looking for a new horror RPG to try out with your own group, why not check out Delta Green?

If you enjoyed this please share it with others, sharing is the best thing you can do to help grow the podcast!
If you’d like to listen to more of our content you can check us out on wordpress, or soundcloud.
You can also get the latest news about up coming podcasts and projects by following us on twitter, or liking us on facebook.
If you have any feed back or requests, or even just want to say hello, feel free to leave a comment on any of our social media pages. You can also email us at

Farewell from the past, I’m Raymond.

The Crusading Couch Episode 11: Computer RPGs Vs Table Top RPGs

In this months episode Kim, Wilfred, and Raymond discuss the differences and similarities of computer and table top Role Playing Games. We talk about some of the different ways they tell stories, as well as the mutual lessons both mediums have for each other. Also, Raymond was sick, so excuse the occasional cough.

If you enjoyed this please share it with others, sharing is the best thing you can do to help grow the podcast!
If you’d like to listen to more of our content you can check us out on wordpress, or soundcloud.
You can also get the latest news about up coming podcasts and projects by following us on twitter, or liking us on facebook.
If you have any feed back or requests, or even just want to say hello, feel free to leave a comment on any of our social media pages. You can also email us at

Farewell from the past, I’m Raymond.

The Crusading Couch episode 8: Would You Be Interested?

Slightly longer episode this month, but it is well worth it.

This months episode is all about game pitches. Wilfred, Kim, and Raymond each came up with 3 different campaign ideas(for a total of 9). We pitched them to each other; but we want to see what you guys think?
Do you have any suggestions for possible systems? Is their a game that you’d love us to play? which of these do you want to play? Would you run any of these ideas? Please leave us a comment with any feed back or questions you have!

Remember there is only a week left to complete this months writing challenge. You can learn more here.

If you’d like to listen to more of our content you can check us out on wordpress, or soundcloud. You can also get the latest news about up coming podcasts, and projects by following us on twitter, or liking us on facebook.
If you have any feed back, or requests, or even just want to say hello, feel free to leave a comment on any of our social media pages. You can also email us at

Farewell from the past, I’m Raymond.

The Crusading Couch episode 7: Travel!

This month we got our friend Xandra to come sit on the couch with us and discuss topics of travel!
We talked about some differences between travelling with someone verses alone, international travel compared to travel at home, we even talked about what makes us want to travel!

If you enjoyed this podcast and would like to hear more about our travels you can check out our road-trip travel-casts at the top of the page, by clicking here, or by clicking on the Travel tag below.

Please share this content with others as it’s really the best way for new listeners to discover the podcast!
You can also find us on a WHOLE bunch of different social media including: soundcloud, facebook, twitter, and of course right here on wordpress.

Farewell from the past, I’m Raymond.

3 boys in a barina Xmas special! AND NEWS!

the barina boys went away last weekend to visit a friend. we made a little recording to celebrate the occasion.

sorry for the irregularity to posting lately. first i was sick, then i was away, then it was the horrible time of year where family invades your household. but we should be a little more regular after new years.

turnings big bang goes up on Mondays.
Kim’s arcanum quest games are going to start going up on Thursdays.
one shots will go up on weekends.

3 Boys In A Barina

so in August of 2014 Kim, Wilfred, and myself(Raymond) went on a road trip to Melbourne. we decided to document the journey by doing audio journals at the end of each day. it was my first time in Melbourne, we had an excellent time.

we will do more of these travel-log/travelcast/audio journals in the future. we already have plans for 3BIAB the second. anyway i’ll let you guys enjoy.

Farewell from the past, I’m Raymond.