In this months episode of The Crusading Couch; Billy asks Kim and Raymond about player conflict and party disputes.
We discuss arguments over loot division, as well as GM’s trying too hard to please everyone. We also come back to a few themes from earlier episodes and view them in a new light. All in all, we think it’s an entertaining episode.
We’re still trying to grow our audience, so if you know someone that might like our stuff please SHARE it with them.
When we reach 100 likes on Facebook, or 100 subscribers on WordPress/Sound Cloud, we are going to run a special viewers choice one shot.
YOU, the Listeners, will get to pick the setting and system. You could have us play as the magical princesses of Saturn, on a quest to save their father from an Earthican death cult!
So please, like us on Facebook.
Farewell from the past, I’m Raymond.