Since coming up with the idea for this site I’ve been teaching myself new skills. First it was how to record a podcast, then how upload/host a podcast online (which I cheated on by using Sound Cloud), then I needed to learn how host a website (again, cheated by using WordPress), and after that I wanted to make a Facebook page, which needs art. I spent a whole evening designing cover art, but in the end I went with my simplest and easiest piece for the banner.
Now, I want make business cards. I’m sure I’ll find a nice easy “make your own business cards” website, but I’m interested in your input. The only things I’m passionate about putting on there are contact info and a QR code that takes you to the site. But, I have no idea how I want the card to look. I don’t have a logo or anything really.
What do you guys think, what should I put on there?