Arcanum Quest episode 2

In this episode of Arcanum Quest we undertake some INDUSTRIAL ACTION! And someone gets their beautiful face blown off.

A reminder that when we hit 100 subscribers on WordPress or Sound Cloud, or 100 likes on Facebook; we are going to do a listeners choice actual play.
You, the Listeners, will be able to send us in suggestions for setting, rules systems, themes, what ever. We’ll pick the ones we like most and then have you all vote on which one we’ll play.

It could be a game about a time travelling news crew trying to get the big scoop!

If you like our content please share, it’s really important because it helps new people discover our podcast. Just the other day Kim (the GM of today’s game) shared a link on his Facebook and it doubled the traffic to our site.

Farewell from the past, I’m Raymond.

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